在《东亚应用数学杂志》乳胶模板中使用 hyperref 包时出错

在《东亚应用数学杂志》乳胶模板中使用 hyperref 包时出错

我正在撰写一篇稿件,考虑在《东亚应用数学杂志》上发表。我使用的是来自https://www.global-sci.org/guide/guide.html?journal=eajam在 latex 中排版手稿。以下是我的工作尝试:

%%%%% journal  info %%%%%%%%%
\renewcommand\thisyear {200x}
%%%%%%%%   end  %%%%%%%%%%%%%


%%%%% author macros %%%%%%%%%
% place your own macros HERE
%%%%% end %%%%%%%%%


\markboth{F.~Author and A.~Co-Author(s)}{Short Title}
\title{Here is the Title}

% single author:
% \author[AUTHOR]{AUTHOR\corrauth}
% \address{address of AUTHOR}
% \email{{\tt email address of AUTHOR} (AUTHOR)}
%\author[Only Author]{Only Author\corrauth}
%\address{School of Mathematical Sciences, Beijing International University,
%Beijing 12345, China.}
%\email{{\tt email@address} (Only Author)}

% multiple authors:
% Please mark \corrauth after the name of the corresponding author.
% different addresses:
%\author[F.~Author and A.~Co-Author(s)]{First Author\affil{1}\comma\corrauth and Co-Author(s)\affil{2}}
%\address{\affilnum{1}\ address of First Author\\
%\affilnum{2}\ address of Co-Author(s)}
%same address:
\author[F. Author and A.~Co-Author,]{Amirul Aizad Ahmad Fuad and Tahir Ahmad\corrauth}
\address{Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science,\\ Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor Bahru, Malaysia}
\emails{{\tt [email protected]} (F. Author), {\tt Co-Auhor(s)@edu.eajam} (A. Co-Author)}
%%%%% Begin Abstract %%%%%%%%%%%
The abstract should provide the application context and briefly summarise the main findings.
It should not be too long --- normally no longer than half a page.
%%%%% end %%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%% Keywords %%%%%%%%%%%
\keywords{At least 3 items and at most 5 items.}

%%%% AMS subject classifications %%%%
\ams{65M10, 78A48}

%%%% maketitle %%%%%

%%%% Start %%%%%%

\section{Preparation of Manuscript\label{sec2}}


但是,每当我尝试使用 `\usepackage{hyperref} 时,都会出现错误“\Hy@setref@link 的参数有一个额外的 }”。有人能告诉我如何解决这个问题吗?


EAJAM 不适用于 hyperref 包。
