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\chapter{Chapter 1}
% sentences are omitted to keep the code short
Daily living \cite{activities2017wiki}.
Systems \cite{muramatsu2011japan}.

\chapter{Chapter 2}
Dynamic Movement Primitives \cite{ijspeert2003learning}.
Calibration \cite{umeyama1991least} to align the frames.

\section{Section 1}
The controller can be \cite{ijspeert2013dynamical}.

\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc,title={All References}]

\section*{\Huge Category Wise}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Category Wise}
\printbibliography[heading=subbibliography,resetnumbers=true,keyword={journal},title={Journal Only}]
\printbibliography[heading=subbibliography,resetnumbers=true,keyword={conference},title={Conference Only}]


  TITLE = {{Activities of Daily Living}},
  URL   = {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Activities_of_daily_living},
  DATE  = {2017},
  NOTE  = {Accessed: 2017-07-30},

  AUTHOR       = {Muramatsu, Naoko and Akiyama, Hiroko},
  TITLE        = {{Japan: super-aging society preparing for the future}},
  JOURNALTITLE = {The Gerontologist},
  PUBLISHER    = {Oxford University Press},
  DATE         = {2011},
  NUMBER       = {4},
  PAGES        = {425--432},
  VOLUME       = {51},
  KEYWORDS     = {journal},

  AUTHOR    = {Ijspeert, AJ and Nakanishi, Jun and Schaal, Stefan},
  TITLE     = {{Learning control policies for movement imitation and movement recognition}},
  BOOKTITLE = {Neural information processing system},
  DATE      = {2003},
  PAGES     = {1547--1554},
  VOLUME    = {15},
  KEYWORDS  = {conference},

  AUTHOR       = {Ijspeert, Auke Jan and Nakanishi, Jun and Hoffmann, Heiko and Pastor, Peter and Schaal, Stefan},
  TITLE        = {{Dynamical movement primitives: learning attractor models for motor behaviors}},
  JOURNALTITLE = {Neural computation},
  PUBLISHER    = {MIT Press},
  DATE         = {2013},
  NUMBER       = {2},
  PAGES        = {328--373},
  VOLUME       = {25},
  KEYWORDS     = {journal},

  AUTHOR       = {Umeyama, Shinji},
  TITLE        = {{Least-squares estimation of transformation parameters between two point patterns}},
  JOURNALTITLE = {IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence},
  DATE         = {1991},
  NUMBER       = {4},
  PAGES        = {376--380},
  VOLUME       = {13},
  KEYWORDS     = {journal},

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\chapter{Chapter 1}
Daily living \cite{activities2017wiki}.
Systems \cite{muramatsu2011japan}.

\chapter{Chapter 2}
Dynamic Movement Primitives \cite{ijspeert2003learning}.
Calibration \cite{umeyama1991least} to align the frames.

% new refsection
\section{Section 1}
The controller can be \cite{ijspeert2013dynamical}.

\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc,title={All References}]

前半部分的引文与后半部分的引文完全无关。事实上,前半部分的引文没有参考书目,在这个设置 ( defernumbers=true,) 中,这意味着它们甚至没有编号(它们最终为 [0])。它只ijspeert2013dynamical获得一个编号,因为它有一个相应的参考书目条目。

在您的 MWE 设置中,您似乎不想要自动refsection=section,。您可以\newrefsection根据需要手动发出。类似以下内容似乎更合适


  TITLE   = {Activities of Daily Living},
  URL     = {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Activities_of_daily_living},
  DATE    = {2017},
  urldate = {2017-07-30},
  AUTHOR       = {Muramatsu, Naoko and Akiyama, Hiroko},
  TITLE        = {Japan: Super-aging Society Preparing for the Future},
  JOURNALTITLE = {The Gerontologist},
  PUBLISHER    = {Oxford University Press},
  DATE         = {2011},
  NUMBER       = {4},
  PAGES        = {425--432},
  VOLUME       = {51},
  AUTHOR    = {Ijspeert, A. J. and Nakanishi, Jun and Schaal, Stefan},
  TITLE     = {Learning Control Policies for Movement Imitation
               and Movement Recognition},
  BOOKTITLE = {Neural information processing system},
  DATE      = {2003},
  PAGES     = {1547--1554},
  VOLUME    = {15},
  AUTHOR       = {Ijspeert, Auke Jan and Nakanishi, Jun and Hoffmann, Heiko
                  and Pastor, Peter and Schaal, Stefan},
  TITLE        = {Dynamical Movement Primitives:
                  Learning Attractor Models for Motor Behaviors},
  JOURNALTITLE = {Neural computation},
  PUBLISHER    = {MIT Press},
  DATE         = {2013},
  NUMBER       = {2},
  PAGES        = {328--373},
  VOLUME       = {25},
  AUTHOR       = {Umeyama, Shinji},
  TITLE        = {Least-squares Estimation of Transformation Parameters
                  Between Two Point Patterns},
  JOURNALTITLE = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis
                  and Machine Intelligence},
  DATE         = {1991},
  NUMBER       = {4},
  PAGES        = {376--380},
  VOLUME       = {13},
  KEYWORDS     = {journal},


\chapter{Chapter 1}
Daily living \cite{activities2017wiki}.
Systems \cite{muramatsu2011japan}.

\chapter{Chapter 2}
Dynamic Movement Primitives \cite{ijspeert2003learning}.
Calibration \cite{umeyama1991least} to align the frames.

\section{Section 1}
The controller can be \cite{ijspeert2013dynamical}.

\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc, title={All References}]

\newrefsection % or maybe not?
\addchap{Category Wise}
\printbibliography[heading=subbibliography, resetnumbers=true,
                   type=article, title={Journal Only}]
\printbibliography[heading=subbibliography, resetnumbers=true,
                   type=inproceedings, title={Conference Only}]


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