

我正在使用 memoir 并有嵌套列表。下面的 MWE 排版,但“Hermit”与“Anti-thesaurus”在同一行开始。我希望它从新行开始。我试过\\并输入\newline一个空白行,但无济于事。



\author{Peter Flom}
% \usepackage{hyperref}

%% A convenience command, for typesetting the
%% word and pronunciation

\newcommand{\entry}[2]{\medskip\noindent{\Large\textbf{#1} (#2)\par}}

%\newcommand{\entry}[3]{\medskip\noindent{\Large\textbf{#1} \normalsize(#2) (#3)\par}}

\newcommand{\sclabel}[1]{\normalfont\scshape #1}

%% Less spacing around lists


\entry{Apanthropy}{Rhymes with Ma can throw pee} %On Medium  %From Byrne
      Apanthropy is a desire to be alone or a dislike of being with others.
      Combines Greek \emph{apo}, meaning away or apart or without and \emph{anthropy} meaning people.
      \item[Usage] \Todo{add more, make it funny}
      ``Greta Garbo was apanthropic (at least sometimes)'' or ``while apanthropy was very dangerous when human beings lived on the savannah of Africa, modern society has found ways to  make it safe.
      \item[Anti-thesaurus] random words

      \item[Hermit] but apanthropy is the \emph{desire} to be alone rather than actually being alone.
        \item[Introvert] is different. Many introverts tolerate or even enjoy social interaction, they just need breaks from it.
        \item[Solitary] but this has nothing to do with the desire to be alone. For instance, solitary could be about solitary confinement (which pretty much no one wants) or it could be imposed by disease or disability, again against the will of the person.
      Google Ngram viewer did find \emph{some} uses, but this is very rare, about 1 in 1.5 billion words.

