

我需要 longtable 或其他包中的表格,我需要列标题、功能和亮点以及数据集。以下代码生成换行表,但我无法调整带文本换行的列大小以使其看起来更美观。请查看本文底部的附加图片。




        \caption{Previous Studies} \label{grid_mlmmh} \\


        \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Studies(s)}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{Features and Highlights}} & 



        {{\bfseries \tablename\ \thetable{} -- continued from previous page}} \\
         \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Studies(s)}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Features and Highlights}} & 

        \hline \multicolumn{3}{r}{{Continued on next page}} \hline

        \hline \hline
        \textbf{General Introduction}\\

        \cite{Baldominos2019}& Dataset 1998 & Comparative Study \\

        \cite{LeCunn1998} & Dataset & Multilayer Perceptron \\ \\
        LeCun, et. al. \cite{Y.LeCun1998}& 1998 & Introduction of Dataset \\

        \textbf{Survey} \\

        \cite{Bianchini2006} Survey 
        \cite{Cai2018}, \cite{Goyal2018},  \cite{Cui2019}& comprehensive surveys on graph, network embeddings: (node clustering,  node recommendation, link prediction, graph classification, visualization, systematic taxonomization), graph reconstruction and support network inference,  survey of related studies &
        BlogCatalog, Flicker, Twitter, DBLP, Cora, Citeseer, ArXiv, Biological, etc\\

        \textbf{Recurrent Graph Neural Networks(RecGNNs)}\\

        \textbf{Studies}: \cite{Scarselli2009}, \cite{Gallicchio2010}, \cite{Li2016},\cite{Dai2018}&
        - Iterative information propagation from target node into neighbors 
        - Recursion and iteration, subgraph matching, the mutagenesis, ranking &
        MNIST, Facebook Entity Relaionships\\

        \textbf{Convolutional Graph Neural Netoworks(ConvGNNs)} \\

        - \textbf{Spectral-based Approaches (spectral graph theory)} \\
        \textbf{Studies}: \cite{Bruna2014}, \cite{Defferrard2016}, \cite{Kipf2017}, \cite{Li2018}, \cite{Z}&
        - Spectral formulation, Strictly localized filters, low computational complexity, efficient pooling,
        - Features of Geometric Properties to low-dimensional grid structure (eg data of social networks, collaborative filtering)
        - general non-Euclidean domains (eg unstructured text data) 
        - Graph Estimation procedures &
        MNIST, 20NEWS, Citation Networks (eg PubMed, CiteSeer) \\

        - \textbf{Spatial-based Approaches}\\
        \textbf{Studies: } \cite{Micheli2009}, \cite{Atwood2016}, \cite{Niepert2016}, \cite{Hamilton2017}, \cite{Gao2018}, \cite{Tran2019}&
        \textbf{Features: }\\
        - cascade correlation, recursive neural networks, learning in strctured domains\\
        - graph diffusion, normalization of graph structure, \\
        \textbf{Example Dataset: } Quantitative structure-property
        relationship (QSPR)  of Alkanes, CORA and Pubmed, \\power grid system in the USA, email-enron \\

        \textbf{Graph Autoencoders(GAEs)}\\
        \textbf{Studies: }\\
        \textbf{Features: }\\
        \textbf{Example Dataset: }\\

        \textbf{Spatial-temporal Graph Neural Networks(STGNNs)} \\






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    \begin{xltabular}{\linewidth}{@{} L{0.6}
\caption{Previous Studies} 
\label{grid_mlmmh} \\
    &   \thead{Features and Highlights}
        &   \thead{Dataset}                                         \\
\caption[]{Previous Studies -- continued from previous page}        \\
    &   \thead{Features and Highlights}
        &   \thead{Dataset}                                         \\
    \multicolumn{3}{r}{\small\itshape{Continued on next page}}      \\
% table body
\textbf{Survey}         &   &                                       \\
\cite{Bianchini2006}, \cite{Cai2018}, \cite{Goyal2018}, \cite{Cui2019}
    &   comprehensive surveys on graph, network embeddings: (node clustering,  node recommendation, link prediction, graph classification, visualization, systematic taxonomization), graph reconstruction and support network inference,  survey of related studies
        &   BlogCatalog, Flicker, Twitter, DBLP, Cora, 
            Citeseer, ArXiv, Biological, etc                        \\
    \thead{Recurrent Graph Neural Networks(RecGNNs)}}               \\
\textbf{Studies}:       &   &                                       \\
\cite{Scarselli2009}, \cite{Gallicchio2010}, \cite{Li2016}, \cite{Dai2018}
    &   \begin{itemize}
    \item   Iterative information propagation from target node into neighbors
    \item   Recursion and iteration, subgraph matching, the mutagenesis, ranking
        &   MNIST, Facebook Entity Relaionships                     \\
    \thead{Convolutional Graph Neural Netoworks(ConvGNNs)}}         \\
    \thead{Spectral-based Approaches (spectral graph theory)}}      \\
\textbf{Studies}:       &   &                                       \\
\cite{Bruna2014}, \cite{Defferrard2016}, \cite{Kipf2017}, \cite{Li2018}, \cite{Z}
    & \begin{itemize}
    \item   Spectral formulation, Strictly localized filters, low computational complexity, efficient pooling,
    \item   Features of Geometric Properties to low-dimensional grid structure (eg data of social networks, collaborative filtering)
    \item   general non-Euclidean domains (eg unstructured text data)
    \item   Graph Estimation procedures
        &   MNIST, 20NEWS, Citation Networks (eg PubMed, CiteSeer) \\
