使用日期和名称保存 PDF

使用日期和名称保存 PDF

我有一个名为 quotes.tex 的文件。当我运行它时,它会为某个客户创建该日期的报价。我现在想自动将此 quote.pdf 保存为date_customer_quote。我该怎么做?


%%% select the required data %%%%
\newcommand{\shop} {George's} 
\newcommand{\product}{Green Apples}

%%%%%%% DON'T ALTER FROM HERE ONWARDS (except spacing)%%%%

\usepackage{graphicx}       %% allow graphics

\usepackage{xcolor}                   %% allow colour

\usepackage[textwidth=450pt, textheight=680pt,top=3cm, left=2.5cm]{geometry} %margins

\usepackage{datetime} % dates - my altered dates below
  \monthname[\THEMONTH] \THEYEAR} %just month written and Year

  \longdate \ordinaldate{\THEDAY} \monthname[\THEMONTH] \THEYEAR} %normal date

\newcommand\twodigits[1] {\ifnum#1<10 0#1\else #1\fi}
   \THEYEAR--\twodigits{\THEMONTH}--\twodigits{\THEDAY} } % digit date for quote no.

\usepackage{advdate} % quote expiry

\usepackage[none]{hyphenat} % don't hyphenate

\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % never indent first line

 \normal \today \\
\scshape{Chris' \product \, Box \par}
    {\Large{Quote for \shop} \par}
{\large Quote No: \quoteNo \today --1 \par}



\textbf{\huge{\color{light-gray} Price:  \qquad  \$\, 8,345 \quad plus GST}}


\color{teal} {%
\subsubsection*{Options Included In Price:}

\vspace{0.4cm} % adjust spacing here

\subsubsection*{Quoted price also includes:}

\item 1 year warranty 

\vspace{-0.4cm} % adjust spacing here
\hrulefill %remove if necessary

\subsubsection*{\underline{OPTIONAL ITEMS AVAILABLE}}
\vspace{0.4cm} % adjust spacing here

\textbf{Quotation expiry:}\normal{\AdvanceDate[28] \today}


If you wish to place an order, would like additional options included in the quote or require any further details please contact me.\\

Kind regards,\\


在我的示例中,我想另存为200420_George_quote.pdf。可以这样做吗?怎么做?(如果您尝试用 解释某些内容write18,请解释完整代码,因为我尝试过但失败了)
