我怎样才能将 i)、ii) 和 iii) 全部对齐到左侧,非常感谢
\usepackage{tikz, ulem}
\tikzstyle{decision} = [diamond, draw, fill = white, font=\small,text centered, minimum height = 7mm, text width = 10em, minimum width=1.5cm,text width = 7em, node distance = 12em]
\tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -stealth', thick, font=\small]
\tikzstyle{elli} = [draw, ellipse, fill = white, text centered, minimum height = 7mm, text width = 9em, minimum width=1.5cm, font=\small,
node distance = 15em]
\tikzstyle{box}=[draw,rectangle, fill = white, font=\small, minimum width=1.5cm,
text width = 12em, minimum height = 8mm, text centered, node distance = 15em]
\begin{tikzpicture}[thick,scale = 0.4, every node /.style ={scale=0.4}] %
\node[elli](step1){ \textbf{\uline{Step 1}} \\
\node[elli, right of= step1](step2){ \textbf {\uline{Step 2}} \\ Bibliometric Analysis};
\node[elli, right of= step2](step3){\textbf {\uline{Step 3}} \\ Contribution of Study};
\node[box, below of= step1, yshift = +10em](step11){\textbf{Step 1.1} \\
i) Infuluantial aspects of Determinants of Credit.\\
ii) Key research flow.\\
iii) Future research flow?};
\draw [->, thick] (step1) to [out=30,in=150] (step2);
\draw [->, thick] (step2) to [out=30,in=150] (step3);
\caption{Methodological workflow}
例如,您可以从样式text centered
,然后{\centering Step 1.1\par}
库,并将 allright of=
和 similar更改为right=of
和 all node distance
\usepackage{tikz, ulem}
\usetikzlibrary{shapes,shadows,arrows,positioning} % <-- added positioning
decision/.style={diamond, draw, fill = white, font=\small,text centered, minimum height = 7mm, text width = 10em, minimum width=1.5cm,text width = 7em},
line/.style={draw, -stealth', thick, font=\small},
elli/.style={draw, ellipse, fill = white, text centered, minimum height = 7mm, text width = 9em, minimum width=1.5cm, font=\small},
box/.style={draw,rectangle, fill = white, font=\small, minimum width=1.5cm,
text width = 12em, minimum height = 8mm}
thick,scale = 0.4, every node /.style ={scale=0.4},
node distance=4mm % <-- added, default is 1cm
] %
\node[elli](step1){ \textbf{\uline{Step 1}} \\
\node[elli, right=of step1](step2){ \textbf {\uline{Step 2}} \\ Bibliometric Analysis};
\node[elli, right=of step2](step3){\textbf {\uline{Step 3}} \\ Contribution of Study};
\node[box, below=of step1](step11){{\centering\textbf{Step 1.1} \par}
i) Influential aspects of Determinants of Credit.\\
ii) Key research flow.\\
iii) Future research flow?};
\draw [->, thick] (step1) to [out=30,in=150] (step2);
\draw [->, thick] (step2) to [out=30,in=150] (step3);
\caption{Methodological workflow}