

首先,(正如您马上就会清楚看到的)我是一个 LaTeX 新手——走到这一步花费了我相当多的时间,但现在我陷入了困境。



我正在努力适应这个很好的例子使用水平条而不是垂直条。如您所见,我的条形图开始移动(至少对我来说,这是非常令人惊讶的方式),并且我的 x 轴缩放似乎偏离了方向。我的目标是所有图表都具有相同的条目顺序(绿色始终在顶部,青绿色始终在底部等),并且只在所包含的数据方面有所不同。同样,每个 x 轴都应自动缩放,就像在 3 个图中的第一个中一样。




Criterion   Rapperswil  Palermo Jeddah
Turquoise       3620        15749       42754
Yellow      2739        15109       42240
Purple      3710        16146       40533
Red           714         9306      28919
Blue        2997          6840  11614
Orange      1589          4992  11786
Green       2122        11154   28747

% Retrieve the number of rows from the datatable

\definecolor{RYB1}{RGB}{141, 211, 199}
\definecolor{RYB2}{RGB}{255, 255, 179}
\definecolor{RYB3}{RGB}{190, 186, 218}
\definecolor{RYB4}{RGB}{251, 128, 114}
\definecolor{RYB5}{RGB}{128, 177, 211}
\definecolor{RYB6}{RGB}{253, 180, 98}
\definecolor{RYB7}{RGB}{179, 222, 105}


    select row/.style={
        x filter/.code={\ifnum\coordindex=#1\else\def\pgfmathresult{}\fi}


All corresponding bars should be on the same position in each respective chart - green on top, turquoise on the bottom.

        group style={
            group size=2 by 2,
            % columns=2,
            % rows=2,
            xlabels at=edge bottom,
            ylabels at=edge left,
            horizontal sep=0.05\textwidth, group name=plots
        /pgf/number format/1000 sep={},
        yticklabels from table={\datatable}{Criterion},
        xtick pos=bottom,
        % y=0.1pt,
        % ybar=0pt,
        /pgf/bar shift=0pt,scale only axis,
        % yticklabel style={text width=0.035\textwidth, align=right, inner xsep=0pt, xshift=-0.005\textwidth},
        % ylabel=kWh, ylabel style={text height=0.02\textwidth,inner ysep=0pt},
        % enlarge x limits=0.15,
        % ymin=0,
        % xtick=\empty,
        % tickpos=left,
        % scaled y ticks=base 10:-3,
        cycle list name=colorbrewer-RYB,
        legend columns=-1,
        legend style={draw=none, /tikz/every even column/.append style={column sep=5pt}},
        legend image code/.code={%
             \draw[#1] (0cm,-0.1cm) rectangle (0.3cm,0.1cm);

\nextgroupplot[xlabel=Rapperswil, legend to name=grouplegend,]
\pgfplotsinvokeforeach  {0,...,\rows}{
    \addplot table [ y expr=\coordindex, select row=#1, x=Rapperswil] {\datatable};
    \addlegendentry {\pgfplotstablegetelem{#1}{Criterion}\of\datatable \pgfplotsretval}

\pgfplotsinvokeforeach  {0,...,\rows}{
    \addplot table [x expr=\coordindex, select row=#1, y=Palermo] {\datatable};

\pgfplotsinvokeforeach  {0,...,\rows}{
    \addplot table [x expr=\coordindex, select row=#1, y=Jeddah] {\datatable};




我不太确定这是你想要的(我不得不修改一些table选项,所以请检查),但是这是添加后得到的结果/pgf/bar shift=0pt,/pgf/bar width=0.9


Criterion   Rapperswil  Palermo Jeddah
Turquoise       3620        15749       42754
Yellow      2739        15109       42240
Purple      3710        16146       40533
Red           714         9306      28919
Blue        2997          6840  11614
Orange      1589          4992  11786
Green       2122        11154   28747

% Retrieve the number of rows from the datatable

\definecolor{RYB1}{RGB}{141, 211, 199}
\definecolor{RYB2}{RGB}{255, 255, 179}
\definecolor{RYB3}{RGB}{190, 186, 218}
\definecolor{RYB4}{RGB}{251, 128, 114}
\definecolor{RYB5}{RGB}{128, 177, 211}
\definecolor{RYB6}{RGB}{253, 180, 98}
\definecolor{RYB7}{RGB}{179, 222, 105}


    select row/.style={
        x filter/.code={\ifnum\coordindex=#1\else\def\pgfmathresult{}\fi}


All corresponding bars should be on the same position in each respective chart - green on top, turquoise on the bottom.

        group style={
            group size=2 by 2,
            % columns=2,
            % rows=2,
            xlabels at=edge bottom,
            ylabels at=edge left,
            horizontal sep=0.2\textwidth, group name=plots
        /pgf/number format/1000 sep={},
        /pgf/bar shift=0pt,
        /pgf/bar width=0.9,
        yticklabels from table={\datatable}{Criterion},
        xtick pos=bottom,
        % y=0.1pt,
        % ybar=0pt,
        %bar shift=0pt,
        scale only axis,
        % yticklabel style={text width=0.035\textwidth, align=right, inner xsep=0pt, xshift=-0.005\textwidth},
        % ylabel=kWh, ylabel style={text height=0.02\textwidth,inner ysep=0pt},
        % enlarge x limits=0.15,
        % ymin=0,
        % xtick=\empty,
        % tickpos=left,
        % scaled y ticks=base 10:-3,
        cycle list name=colorbrewer-RYB,
        legend columns=-1,
        legend style={draw=none, /tikz/every even column/.append style={column sep=5pt}},
        legend image code/.code={%
             \draw[#1] (0cm,-0.1cm) rectangle (0.3cm,0.1cm);

\nextgroupplot[xlabel=Rapperswil, legend to name=grouplegend,]
\pgfplotsinvokeforeach  {0,...,\rows}{
    \addplot table [ y expr=\coordindex, select row=#1, x=Rapperswil] {\datatable};
    \addlegendentry {\pgfplotstablegetelem{#1}{Criterion}\of\datatable \pgfplotsretval}

\pgfplotsinvokeforeach  {0,...,\rows}{
    \addplot table [y expr=\coordindex, select row=#1, x=Palermo] {\datatable};

\pgfplotsinvokeforeach  {0,...,\rows}{
    \addplot table [y expr=\coordindex, select row=#1, x=Jeddah] {\datatable};



