\usepackage{grffile} %My path contains spaces
\graphicspath{ {/Mypath/} }
\captionsetup{justification = raggedright,
singlelinecheck = false}
\usepackage{threeparttable, floatrow}
First example is how the caption should look. Bold Fig name, normal text font, left align and with width of picture. However, the \ref{fig:Latex} does not work...
\begin{measuredfigure} \centering
\caption[Stock Prices]{Looks beautiful. If only I could link to it???}
Next example I can refer to: \ref{fig:1stone} however, the caption is not what I'm looking for. It is left align and the width of the picture but not with bold Fig name and also a bit shifted.
\bxfigure[h]{\label{fig:1stone}I can link to this, however the font in the caption is not right.}{
环境并用 设置标题的宽度\captionsetup
labelfont=bf ,
justification = raggedright,
singlelinecheck = false
First example is how the caption should look. Bold Fig name, normal text
font, left align and with width of picture. However, the \ref{fig:Latex}
does not work...
\caption[Stock Prices]{Looks beautiful. If only I could link to it?}