Latex 错误“命令 \AND 已经定义。\REQUIRE”与 ifacconf 文档类

Latex 错误“命令 \AND 已经定义。\REQUIRE”与 ifacconf 文档类

我在 ifacconf 文档类中使用算法时,一直收到以下错误“命令 \AND 已定义。\REQUIRE”。我无法找出原因。示例代码如下:


\usepackage{graphicx}      % include this line if your document contains figures
\usepackage{natbib}        % required for bibliography


\newcolumntype{C}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}m{2.1cm}}% for convenience you can also define a new column type


% Title, preferably not more than 10 words.



\address[First]{Department of Electrical Engineering, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar (e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]).}

\begin{abstract}                % Abstract of not more than 250 words.




        \REQUIRE {$L$ - level, $L_{\textrm{max}}$ -  Maximum level}
        \ENSURE {$P_{\textrm{main}}$ -  Main status}
        \IF{$L \leq  L_{\textrm{min}}$} \STATE {$P_{\textrm{main}}$  is ON} 
        \ELSIF{$L \geq L_{\textrm{max}}$} \STATE {$P_{\textrm{main}}$  is OFF}
        \ELSE \STATE {$P_{\textrm{main}}$ status does not change}
                                                          % in the appendices.


不幸的是,该类定义\AND代表 &(周围有空格)用于作者块。



\usepackage{graphicx}      % include this line if your document contains figures
\usepackage{natbib}        % required for bibliography

% save the meaning of \AND and undefine it to keep algorithmic happy
% load algorithmic
% save the new meaning of \AND and restore the one of the class
% but when we start \begin{algorithmic} we want its own \AND


\newcolumntype{C}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}m{2.1cm}}% for convenience you can also define a new column type


% Title, preferably not more than 10 words.



\address[First]{Department of Electrical Engineering, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar (e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]).}

\begin{abstract}                % Abstract of not more than 250 words.




        \REQUIRE {$L$ - level, $L_{\textrm{max}}$ -  Maximum level}
        \ENSURE {$P_{\textrm{main}}$ -  Main status}
        \IF{$L \leq  L_{\textrm{min}}$} \STATE {$P_{\textrm{main}}$  is ON} 
        \ELSIF{$L \geq L_{\textrm{max}}$} \STATE {$P_{\textrm{main}}$  is OFF}
        \ELSE \STATE {$P_{\textrm{main}}$ status does not change}
                                                          % in the appendices.

