

我使用模板来写我的论文,我想从标题页中删除“摘要”部分。我必须从 titlepage.tex 和 macros.tex 文件中删除一些内容,但每次都会出错。正如你所见,我想避免项目标题中的换行符

\pdfbookmark[0]{English title page}{label:titlepage_en}
    Project Title Project Title  Project Title Project Title %title
    Scientific Theme %theme
    Fall Semester 2010 %project period
    XXX % project group
    %list of group members
    Author 1\\ 
    Author 2\\
    Author 3
    %list of supervisors
    Supervisor 1\\
    Supervisor 2
    1 % number of printed copies
    \today % date of completion
}{%department and address
  \textbf{Electronics and IT}\\
  Aalborg University\\
}{% the abstract
  Here is the abstract

    %set up various length
    %create title page
      } &
       #1 &
      \noindent{\footnotesize\emph{Rapportens indhold er frit tilgængeligt, men offentliggørelse (med kildeangivelse) må kun ske efter aftale med forfatterne.}}
      \noindent{\footnotesize\emph{The content of this report is freely available, but publication (with reference) may only be pursued due to agreement with the author.}}

%Create english project info
    \textbf{Title:}\\ #1\bigskip\par
    \textbf{Theme:}\\ #2\bigskip\par
    \textbf{Project Period:}\\ #3\bigskip\par
    \textbf{Project Group:}\\ #4\bigskip\par
    \textbf{Participant(s):}\\ #5\bigskip\par
    \textbf{Supervisor(s):}\\ #6\bigskip\par
    \textbf{Copies:} #7\bigskip\par
    \textbf{Page Numbers:} \pageref{LastPage}\bigskip\par
    \textbf{Date of Completion:}\\ #8

%Create danish project info
    \textbf{Titel:}\\ #1\bigskip\par
    \textbf{Tema:}\\ #2\bigskip\par
    \textbf{Projektperiode:}\\ #3\bigskip\par
    \textbf{Projektgruppe:}\\ #4\bigskip\par
    \textbf{Deltager(e):}\\ #5\bigskip\par
    \textbf{Vejleder(e):}\\ #6\bigskip\par
    \textbf{Oplagstal:} #7\bigskip\par
    \textbf{Sidetal:} \pageref{LastPage}\bigskip\par
    \textbf{Afleveringsdato:}\\ #8

% An example environment
\def\theoremframecommand{{\color{gray!50}\vrule width 5pt \hspace{5pt}}}

