然而,这导致 1Q20 的 x-tick 标签缺失。
\usepackage{color} % colors
\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{
date, yoy, yoy2
1Q19, 4.5,
2Q19, 4.9,
3Q19, 4.4,
4Q19, 3.6,
1Q20, , -0.3
width = 6.5cm,
height = 6cm,
axis lines=left,
enlarge x limits={0.1},
enlarge y limits={0.1, upper},
% y ticks style and label
ymin = -1.1,
ylabel={Annual change (\%)},
ylabel shift = 0pt,
ytick distance = 1,
y tick label style={/pgf/number format/.cd, fixed, fixed zerofill, precision=1, /tikz/.cd, font=\scriptsize},
% x axis ticks and style
xticklabels from table={\hchartone}{date},
axis x line shift={\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}},
xticklabel shift={-\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/axis x line shift}},
table/x expr = \coordindex,
% nodes near coords
nodes near coords,
nodes near coords style = { /pgf/number format/.cd,
fixed, fixed zerofill, precision=1, /tikz/.cd, font=\scriptsize,
% done with the axis, now the plots
\addplot [c1, fill, ybar, nodes near coords, draw opacity = 0]
table [y=yoy] {\hchartone};
\addplot [c6, fill, ybar, nodes near coords style = {color = c6d}, draw opacity = 0]
table [y=yoy2] {\hchartone};
这是对情节处理程序的一个非常简单的破解,它使用未记录的键at end bar
\usepackage{color} % colors
\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{
date, yoy
1Q19, 4.5
2Q19, 4.9
3Q19, 4.4
4Q19, 3.6
1Q20, -0.3
width = 6.5cm,
height = 6cm,
axis lines=left,
enlarge x limits={0.1},
enlarge y limits={0.1, upper},
% y ticks style and label
ymin = -1.1,
ylabel={Annual change (\%)},
ylabel shift = 0pt,
ytick distance = 1,
y tick label style={/pgf/number format/.cd, fixed, fixed zerofill, precision=1, /tikz/.cd, font=\scriptsize},
% x axis ticks and style
xticklabels from table={\hchartone}{date},
axis x line shift={\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}},
xticklabel shift={-\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/axis x line shift}},
table/x expr = \coordindex,
% nodes near coords
nodes near coords,
nodes near coords style = { /pgf/number format/.cd,
fixed, fixed zerofill, precision=1, /tikz/.cd, font=\scriptsize,
% done with the axis, now the plots
% hack the plot handler
\pgfkeys{/pgf/at end bar={\ifnum\coordindex=4
\pgfusepath{stroke, fill}
\addplot [c1, fill, ybar, nodes near coords, draw opacity = 0]
table [y=yoy] {\hchartone};
\usepackage{color} % colors
\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{
date, yoy
1Q19, 4.5
2Q19, 4.9
3Q19, 4.4
4Q19, 3.6
1Q20, -0.3
width = 6.5cm,
height = 6cm,
axis lines=left,
enlarge x limits={0.1},
enlarge y limits={0.1, upper},
% y ticks style and label
ymin = -1.1,
ylabel={Annual change (\%)},
ylabel shift = 0pt,
ytick distance = 1,
y tick label style={/pgf/number format/.cd, fixed, fixed zerofill, precision=1, /tikz/.cd, font=\scriptsize},
% x axis ticks and style
xticklabels from table={\hchartone}{date},
axis x line shift={\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}},
xticklabel shift={-\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/axis x line shift}},
table/x expr = \coordindex,
% nodes near coords
visualization depends on={int(sign(\thisrow{yoy}))\as\mysign},
nodes near coords,
nodes near coords style = {/utils/exec={\ifdim\mysign pt>0pt
/pgf/number format/.cd,
fixed, fixed zerofill, precision=1, /tikz/.cd, font=\scriptsize,
% nodes near coords style={anchor=\myanchor}
% done with the axis, now the plots
% hack the plot handler
\pgfkeys{/pgf/at end bar={\ifdim\the\pgf@ya<0pt
\pgfusepath{stroke, fill}
\addplot [c1, fill, ybar, nodes near coords, draw opacity = 0]
table [y=yoy] {\hchartone};
一个非常 hacky 的解决方案是这样的:
- 在 1Q20 的列中添加一个 0 条目
- 这会导致显示缺失的标签,但现在会产生一个问题- 在1Q20 的nodes near coords
- 为了修复上述问题,请用白色矩形手动覆盖它。(哈哈)
\usepackage{color} % colors
\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{
date, yoy, yoy2
1Q19, 4.5,
2Q19, 4.9,
3Q19, 4.4,
4Q19, 3.6,
1Q20, 0, -0.3
width = 6.5cm,
height = 6cm,
axis lines=left,
enlarge x limits={0.1},
enlarge y limits={0.1, upper},
% y ticks style and label
ymin = -1.1,
ylabel={Annual change (\%)},
ylabel shift = 0pt,
ytick distance = 1,
y tick label style={/pgf/number format/.cd, fixed, fixed zerofill, precision=1, /tikz/.cd, font=\scriptsize},
% x axis ticks and style
xtick = data,
xticklabels from table={\hchartone}{date},
xtick distance = 1,
axis x line shift={\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}},
xticklabel shift={-\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/axis x line shift}},
table/x expr = \coordindex,
% nodes near coords
nodes near coords,
nodes near coords style = { /pgf/number format/.cd,
fixed, fixed zerofill, precision=1, /tikz/.cd, font=\scriptsize,
% done with the axis, now the plots
\addplot [c1, fill, ybar, nodes near coords, draw opacity = 0]
table [y=yoy] {\hchartone};
\addplot [c6, fill, ybar, nodes near coords style = {color = c6d}, draw opacity = 0]
table [y=yoy2] {\hchartone};
\draw[white, fill] (4,0.8) rectangle (4.8,1.02);