我有一个包含论文不同章节的 TeX 文件。每个章节都在主 TeX 文件中导入的不同 TeX 文件中。我想知道如何将命名法和缩写列表添加到我的论文中。我应该一一写出来吗?
\addto\captionsenglish{\renewcommand{\contentsname}{\MakeUppercase{\bf Table of Contents}}}
\addto\captionsenglish{\renewcommand{\listtablename}{\bf LIST OF TABLES}}
\addto\captionsenglish{\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{\bf LIST OF FIGURES}}
bla bla bla
short = GMC,
long = G.M.Constructions,
class = abbrev
short = SPM,
long = Sectro photo meter,
class = abbrev
short = NY,
long = New York,
class = abbrev
short = L,
long = Litre,
class = nomencl
short = mg,
long = Milli gram,
class = abbrev
short = mL,
long = Milii Litre,
class = nomencl
short = g,
long = Gram,
class = abbrev
\ac{GMC} is one of the famous company. \ac{SPM} is used for analytical study of compounds. I live in \ac{NY}. $1$ \ac{L} = $1000$ \ac{mL}. Similarly, $1$ \ac{g} = $1000$ \ac{mg}.
您可以为每个章节创建单独的 tex 文件,并且一旦在文档的序言中定义了所有首字母缩略词,您就可以在任何文件中使用它。