
我收到错误命令 \proof 已经定义这是我的 thesis.tex 文件
% The rest of the class options are the same as the regular book class.
% A few to remember:
% oneside : Produces single sided print layout (recommended for theses less than 50 pages)
% twoside : Produces single sided print layout (the default if you remove oneside)
% The BYUPhys class provides the following macros:
% \makepreliminarypages : Makes the preliminary pages
% \clearemptydoublepage : same as \cleardoublepage but doesn't put page numbers
% on blank intervening pages
% \singlespace : switch to single spaced lines
% \doublespace : switch to double spaced lines
% --------------------------- Load Packages ---------------------------------
% The graphicx package allows the inclusion of figures. Plain LaTeX and
% pdfLaTeX handle graphics differently. The following code checks which one
% you are compiling with, and switches the graphicx package options accordingly.
\usepackage{makecell,tabularx} % for 'tabularx' env. and 'X' col. type
%\textwidth 6.5in
%\textheight 10in
\newcommand{\kthead}[1]{\multicolumn{1}{c}{\bfseries #1}}
%koeradoera added above 3 lines
%above line koeradoera added
%above line added by koeradoera
\newcommand {\g}[1]{\textcolor[gray]{0.6} {#1}}
\newcommand{\todo}[1]{\textcolor{red}{TODO: #1}\\}
\newcommand{\done}[1]{\textcolor{blue}{Tried to address. #1}\\}
% these are for the algorithms style file, for writing algorithms
%\renewcommand{\algorithmiccomment}[1]{\begin{small}/* #1 */\end{small}}
\renewcommand{\algorithmiccomment}[1]{/* #1 */}
% The fancyhdr package allows you to easily customize the page header.
% The settings below produce a nice, well separated header.
\fancyhead[LO]{\slshape \rightmark}
\fancyhead[RE]{\slshape \leftmark}
\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\chaptername \ \thechapter \ \ #1}{}}
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection \ \ #1}}
% The caption package allows us to change the formatting of figure captions.
% The commands here change to the suggested caption format: single spaced and a bold tag
% Change the \DeclareCaptionFormat line below to make the captions fully bold
%\DeclareCaptionFormat{suggested}{\singlespace#1#2 #3\par\doublespace}
\DeclareCaptionFormat{suggested}{\singlespace \textbf{#1}\textbf{#2}#3 \doublespace}
%To instruct Latex to try to fit each paragraph into 1 less line
% The cite package cleans up the way citations are handled. For example, it
% changes the citation [1,2,3,6,7,8,9,10,11] into [1-3,6-11]. If your advisor
% wants superscript citations, use the overcite package instead of the cite package.
% The makeidx package makes your index for you. To make an index entry,
% go to the place in the book that should be referenced and type
% \index{key}
% An index entry labeled "key" (or whatever you type) will then
% be included and point to the correct page.
%koeradoera commented above 2 lines
% If you have a lot of equations, you might be interested in the amstex package.
% It defines a number of environments and macros that are helpful for mathematics.
% We don't do much math in this example, so we haven't used amstex here.w%
% To include a link in your pdf use \href{URL}{Text to be displayed}. If your
% display text is the URL, you probably should use the \url{} command discussed
% above.
% To add a bookmark in the pdf you can use \pdfbookmark. You can look up its usage
% in the hyperref package documentation
%koeradoera commented above 4 lines
%koeradoera changed urlcolor=blue to black
% ---------------- Fill in these fields for the preliminary pages -------------------
% For Senior and honors this is the year and month that you submit the thesis
% For Masters and PhD, this is your graduation date
\Author{koeradoera CCC}
\mydegree{Master }
% If you have a long title, split it between two lines. The \TitleBottom field defines the second line
% A two line title should be an "inverted pyramid" with the top line longer than the bottom.
\TitleTop{{\bigsize \bf BBB}}
%\TitleBottom{{\bigsize \bf MEMORY SYSTEMS }}
%\TitleBottomagain{{\bigsize \bf MEMORY SYSTEMS}}
% Your research advisors
\AdvisorA{{Dr. AAAAA BBB}}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% APPROVAL BY DSC %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%Date:\hspace{.8cm}$\backslash \ \ \ \ \ \ \backslash$ 20 \\ \\
%Date:\hspace{.8cm}$/ \ \ \ \ \ \ /$ 20 \\ \\
%Certified that the thesis entitled {\bf ``TITLE OF THE THESIS''} submitted by NAME OF THE AUTHOR to the somehwere, for the award of the degree of Master of Technology has been accepted by examiners and that the student has successfully defended the thesis in the viva-voce examination held today.
%%Signature:~~~~~~~~~~\hfill Signature:~~~~~\hfill Signature:\hfill~
%%Name:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\hfill Name:~~~~~~~~~~\hfill Name:~~~~~\hfill~
%(Supervisor) %~~~~~\hfill(Supervisor 2)
%%Name:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\hfill Name:~~~~~\hfill ~~~~
%%(External Examiner)\hspace{0.8in}(Chairman)
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CERTIFICATE BY SUPERVISOR %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
{\em This is to certify that the thesis entitled {\bf ``BBB''}, submitted by {\bf koeradoera CCC} to the somehwere, for the award of the degree of Master of Technology, is a record of bona fide research work carried out by him under my supervision and guidance.
The thesis, in my opinion, is worthy of consideration for the award of the degree of Master of Technology in accordance with the regulations of the Institute. To the best of my/our knowledge, the results embodied in the thesis have not been submitted to any other university or institute for the award of any other degree or diploma}
% To the best of my knowledge, the results embodied in this thesis have not been submitted to any other University or Institute for the award of any other Degree or Diploma.}
\signaturebox{Dr. AAAAA BBB,\\ Assistant Professor,\\Department of Computer Science and Engineering\\somehwere}
%\signaturebox{Name of the Supervisor 2,\\ Designation,\\Department of Computer Science and Engineering\\somehwere}
%\vskip 0pt plus 2fill
%\noindent Accepted for the Department\hfill%
%\signaturebox{\@DepRep, \@DepRepTitle\\Department of Physics and
%Astronomy }{} \vfill \noindent Accepted for the College\hfill
%\signaturebox{\@Dean, \@DeanTitle \\
%College of Mathematics and Physical Sciences}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DECLARATION BY STUDENT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
I certify that
\item[a.] Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing
\item[b.] Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing
\item[c.] Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing
\item[d.] Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing
\item[e.] Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing
\item[f.] Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing Some random thing
\hfill koeradoera CCC ~ ~ ~
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ACKNOWLEDGMENTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ABSTRACT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%The text of your abstract
%\graphicspath{ {/home/arya/Desktop/synopsis_seminar/figures/} }
\graphicspath{ {./figures/} }
% Start page counting in roman numerals
% This command makes the formal preliminary pages.
% You can comment it out during the drafting process if you want to save paper.
\hspace{-0.3cm}{\huge \textbf{List of Abbreviations}}\\
% \end{center}
%\hspace{-0.4cm}{\huge \textbf{List of Symbols}}\\
% \end{center}
%above three lines commented by koeradoera removing symbol table
% Make the table of contents.
% Make the list of figures
% Make the list of tables
%\phantomsection \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Symbols and Abbreviation}
% Start regular page counting at page 1
% \include{AppendixA}
% \clearemptydoublepage
% \include{AppendixB}
% \clearemptydoublepage
%\phantomsection \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Index}
%\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1} \small \normalsize
\phantomsection \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Author's Biography} %Optional
\if 0
\caption{{\bf }}
\subfloat[{\bf }]{\includegraphics[height=0.3\textwidth,width=3.5cm,angle=-90]{./figures/}}
\subfloat[{\bf }]{\includegraphics[height=0.3\textwidth,width=3.5cm,angle=-90]{./figures/}}
\subfloat[{\bf }]{\includegraphics[height=0.3\textwidth,width=3.5cm,angle=-90]{./figures/}}
\caption{{\bf }}
line 441: Command \proof already defined. }
line 164: Option clash for package url. \urlstyle
line 184: Option clash for package hyperref.
line 386: File ended while scanning use of \next. \input{texfiles/chapter4}
: Emergency stop.
line 36: The eufrak package is redundant if the amsfonts package is used
line 126: \fancyhead's `E' option without twoside option is useless
line 127: \fancyhead's `E' option without twoside option is useless
: Not defining \perthousand.
: Not defining \micro.
: destination with the same identifier (name{bm:Title.0}) has been already used, duplicate ignored<to be read again> \relax l.332 \makepreliminarypages
: \headheight is too small (9.03374pt): Make it at least 13.59999pt.
如果有人想查看其余章节的完整代码等,那么他们可以看到这里 由于我在所有章节中添加了随机内容,因此只有乳胶部分可见。
正确的 MWE 仍可重现错误消息
Command \proof already defined.
如下所示。请注意,我从您的 documentclass 切换到了article
。由于该错误在该类中仍然存在,因此该错误与 无关iiitg
查看上面的 MWE,如果我们将两个包的加载顺序从
除此之外,你一定要看看你的 preable 并清理一下。首先,不要多次加载包,尤其是不要使用不同的选项。包就是一个例子hyperref
。你可以在第 40 行加载它,如下所示:
在第 175 行再次执行如下操作:
Option clash for package hyperref.
如果删除第 40 行,您就可以摆脱它。另请记住,hyperref
可以做到,而您无法通过 和 实现的事情alogrithm