在 Beamer(TikZ)中一次显示图形的一个部分

在 Beamer(TikZ)中一次显示图形的一个部分

我在 TikZ 中绘制了两幅图像,我想一次显示一个元素。具体来说,我想先显示左侧的圆圈,然后显示其周围的椭圆。然后显示右侧的圆圈,然后显示其周围的椭圆。我尝试使用 \pause、\only、\visible 以及我能找到的其他任何命令,但我无法使其工作(使用上述所有命令时都会出现编译错误)。

%  \usetheme{default}      % or try Darmstadt, Madrid, Warsaw, ...
%  \usecolortheme{default} % or try albatross, beaver, crane, ...
%  \usefonttheme{default}  % or try serif, structurebold, ...
  \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}

\usetikzlibrary{arrows, arrows.meta, 
                patterns, positioning, 
%\tikzstyle{every picture}+=[remember picture, overlay]
\usepackage{makecell} %for the thead command to break up header
%\usepackage{amssymb, amsbsy}
\usepackage{array, booktabs, longtable}
%\usepackage[x11names, table]{xcolor}

%% start

\section{Problem Setup, History, \& Our Result: A Snapshot}

    \newtcbtheorem[number within = section]{mydef}{Problem Statement}{colback=orange!20, colframe=blue!25}{ps}
    \tcbset{colframe=red!75!black, colback=yellow!25!white}             

        Given stuff, prove: 
        \tcboxmath[colframe=red!75!black, colback=yellow!25!white]
        {a + b = c}
        \coordinate (c) at (2.2, -0.2); 
        \draw[black, thick](c) circle (50 pt);
        \draw[black, fill = green!10, rotate = 50, opacity = 0.25] (c) ellipse (60 pt and 10 pt);
        \draw[black, fill = red!10, rotate = 30, opacity = 0.25] (c) ellipse (20 pt and 10 pt);
        \draw[black, fill = blue!10, rotate = 100, opacity = 0.25] (c) ellipse (25 pt and 45 pt);
        \draw[black, fill = teal!20, rotate = 110, opacity = 0.25] (c) ellipse (35 pt and 70 pt);
        \draw[black, fill = magenta!30, rotate = 240, opacity = 0.25] (c) ellipse (45 pt and 65 pt);

        \coordinate (cCovering) at (8.5, -0.2); 
        \draw[black, thick](cCovering) circle (50 pt);
        \draw[black, fill = red!10, rotate = 30, opacity = 0.25] (cCovering) ellipse (20 pt and 10 pt);
        \draw[black, fill = blue!10, rotate = 100, opacity = 0.25] (cCovering) ellipse (25 pt and 45 pt);
        \draw[black, fill = green!10, rotate = 50, opacity = 0.25] (cCovering) ellipse (10 pt and 30 pt);
        \draw[black, fill = teal!20, rotate = 50, opacity = 0.25] (cCovering) ellipse (75 pt and 20 pt);
        \draw[black, fill = gray!30, rotate = 280, opacity = 0.25] (cCovering) ellipse (45 pt and 65 pt);



\newtcbtheorem[number within = section,reset counter on overlays]{mydef}{Problem Statement}{colback=orange!20, colframe=blue!25}{ps}

在幻灯片之前。请注意reset counter on overlays,这可避免计数器在每次休息后增加。然后您可以使用\uncovervisible on来自overlay-beamer-styles库。但是,后者通过将不透明度设置为 0 来工作,并且由于您明确为椭圆设置了它,因此您可能希望将uncover其用于椭圆。

%  \usetheme{default}      % or try Darmstadt, Madrid, Warsaw, ...
%  \usecolortheme{default} % or try albatross, beaver, crane, ...
%  \usefonttheme{default}  % or try serif, structurebold, ...
  \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}

\usetikzlibrary{arrows, arrows.meta, 
                patterns, positioning, 
\usepackage{makecell} %for the thead command to break up header
%\usepackage{amssymb, amsbsy}
\usepackage{array, booktabs, longtable}
%\usepackage[x11names, table]{xcolor}

%% start
\newtcbtheorem[number within = section,reset counter on overlays]{mydef}{Problem Statement}{colback=orange!20, colframe=blue!25}{ps}

\section{Problem Setup, History, \& Our Result: A Snapshot}

    \tcbset{colframe=red!75!black, colback=yellow!25!white}             
        Given stuff, prove: 
        \tcboxmath[colframe=red!75!black, colback=yellow!25!white]
        {a + b = c}
        \coordinate (c) at (2.2, -0.2); 
        \draw[black, thick](c) circle (50 pt);
          \draw[black, fill = green!10, rotate = 50, opacity = 0.25] (c) ellipse (60 pt and 10 pt);
          \draw[black, fill = red!10, rotate = 30, opacity = 0.25] (c) ellipse (20 pt and 10 pt);
          \draw[black, fill = blue!10, rotate = 100, opacity = 0.25] (c) ellipse (25 pt and 45 pt);
          \draw[black, fill = teal!20, rotate = 110, opacity = 0.25] (c) ellipse (35 pt and 70 pt);
          \draw[black, fill = magenta!30, rotate = 240, opacity = 0.25] (c) ellipse (45 pt and 65 pt);

        \coordinate (cCovering) at (8, -0.2); 
        \draw[black, thick,visible on=<3->](cCovering) circle (50 pt);
          \draw[black, fill = red!10, rotate = 30, opacity = 0.25] (cCovering) ellipse (20 pt and 10 pt);
          \draw[black, fill = blue!10, rotate = 100, opacity = 0.25] (cCovering) ellipse (25 pt and 45 pt);
          \draw[black, fill = green!10, rotate = 50, opacity = 0.25] (cCovering) ellipse (10 pt and 30 pt);
          \draw[black, fill = teal!20, rotate = 50, opacity = 0.25] (cCovering) ellipse (75 pt and 20 pt);
          \draw[black, fill = gray!30, rotate = 280, opacity = 0.25] (cCovering) ellipse (45 pt and 65 pt);




%  \usetheme{default}      % or try Darmstadt, Madrid, Warsaw, ...
%  \usecolortheme{default} % or try albatross, beaver, crane, ...
%  \usefonttheme{default}  % or try serif, structurebold, ...
  \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}

\usetikzlibrary{arrows, arrows.meta, 
                patterns, positioning, 
%\tikzstyle{every picture}+=[remember picture, overlay]
\newtcbtheorem[number within = section]{mydef}{Problem Statement}{colback=orange!20, colframe=blue!25}{ps}
\tcbset{colframe=red!75!black, colback=yellow!25!white}  
\usepackage{makecell} %for the thead command to break up header
%\usepackage{amssymb, amsbsy}
\usepackage{array, booktabs, longtable}
%\usepackage[x11names, table]{xcolor}

%% start

\section{Problem Setup, History, \& Our Result: A Snapshot}


        Given stuff, prove: 
        \tcboxmath[colframe=red!75!black, colback=yellow!25!white]
        {a + b = c}
        \coordinate (c) at (2.2, -0.2);
        \draw[black, thick](c) circle (50 pt);
        \draw[black, fill = green!10, rotate = 50, opacity = 0.25] (c) ellipse (60 pt and 10 pt);

        \draw[black, fill = red!10, rotate = 30, opacity = 0.25] (c) ellipse (20 pt and 10 pt);
        \draw[black, fill = blue!10, rotate = 100, opacity = 0.25] (c) ellipse (25 pt and 45 pt);
        \draw[black, fill = teal!20, rotate = 110, opacity = 0.25] (c) ellipse (35 pt and 70 pt);
        \draw[black, fill = magenta!30, rotate = 240, opacity = 0.25] (c) ellipse (45 pt and 65 pt);
        \coordinate (cCovering) at (8.5, -0.2);
        \draw[black, thick](cCovering) circle (50 pt);
        \draw[black, fill = red!10, rotate = 30, opacity = 0.25] (cCovering) ellipse (20 pt and 10 pt);
        \draw[black, fill = blue!10, rotate = 100, opacity = 0.25] (cCovering) ellipse (25 pt and 45 pt);
        \draw[black, fill = green!10, rotate = 50, opacity = 0.25] (cCovering) ellipse (10 pt and 30 pt);
        \draw[black, fill = teal!20, rotate = 50, opacity = 0.25] (cCovering) ellipse (75 pt and 20 pt);
        \draw[black, fill = gray!30, rotate = 280, opacity = 0.25] (cCovering) ellipse (45 pt and 65 pt);

