正如@leandriis 所建议的,这里有一个使用包创建盒子的环境示例tcolorbox
\newtcolorbox{mybox}[1][lightgray!50!white]{sharp corners,colback=#1,colframe=black,
before upper={\rule[-3pt]{0pt}{10pt}},boxrule=2pt,
before skip=8pt, after skip= 8pt,
Obviously, designed robots for structured environment with know and predictable conditions can be done by classic engineer-
\begin{mybox}As natural evolution has produced succefull life forms for practically all possible environment niches on Earth, it is plausible that artificial evolution can produce specialized robots for various environments and tasks
Obviously, designed robots for structured environment with know and predictable conditions can be done by classic engineer-
\begin{mybox}[blue!20!white]As natural evolution has produced succefull life forms for practically all possible environment niches on Earth, it is plausible that artificial evolution can produce specialized robots for various environments and tasks
Obviously, designed robots for structured environment with know and predictable conditions can be done by classic engineer-