

我是 LaTeX 新手,在格式化表格时遇到了问题。我想在表格下方添加一个长脚注,当它到达表格最后一列的边框时,立即开始新的一行。但是,当我添加脚注时,表格的最后一列会延伸到脚注所到之处。有谁能帮我吗?


\caption{ESG and corporate bond spreads\label{tab1}}
\begin{adjustbox}{max width=\linewidth}
                    &\multicolumn{1}{c}{Panel OLS}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{Panel OLS}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{OLS}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{IV}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{Panel OLS}\\
ESG score           &      -0.296\sym{***}&                     &      -0.389\sym{**} &     -0.0137         &     -0.0460         \\
                    &     (0.101)         &                     &     (0.197)         &     (0.227)         &    (0.0979)         \\
Environment score   &                     &      0.0925         &                     &                     &                     \\
                    &                     &    (0.0731)         &                     &                     &                     \\
Social score        &                     &      -0.332\sym{***}&                     &                     &                     \\
                    &                     &     (0.102)         &                     &                     &                     \\
Governance score    &                     &     -0.0974         &                     &                     &                     \\
                    &                     &    (0.0675)         &                     &                     &                     \\
Firm size           &       4.508\sym{**} &       3.667         &       8.245\sym{**} &       1.517         &      -1.274         \\
                    &     (2.287)         &     (2.270)         &     (3.700)         &     (2.928)         &     (2.852)         \\
Capital intensity   &       0.226         &       0.155         &       0.141         &      -0.145         &       0.272\sym{**} \\
                    &     (0.176)         &     (0.188)         &     (0.168)         &     (0.109)         &     (0.129)         \\
Market-to-book      &       0.103\sym{***}&       0.116\sym{***}&       0.166         &      0.0624         &      0.0506         \\
                    &    (0.0366)         &    (0.0366)         &     (0.149)         &    (0.0616)         &    (0.0347)         \\
Leverage            &      -0.236         &      -0.195         &      -0.112         &       0.185         &      -0.337\sym{**} \\
                    &     (0.184)         &     (0.183)         &     (0.179)         &     (0.125)         &     (0.149)         \\
ROA                 &      -0.924\sym{***}&      -0.862\sym{***}&      -0.534         &      -0.240         &      -0.165         \\
                    &     (0.308)         &     (0.299)         &     (0.511)         &     (0.261)         &     (0.212)         \\
Interest coverage ratio&      -0.521         &      -0.561         &      -0.919\sym{*}  &      -0.237         &     -0.0974         \\
                    &     (0.431)         &     (0.441)         &     (0.479)         &     (0.270)         &     (0.210)         \\
Callable(1=yes)     &       20.43\sym{***}&       19.69\sym{***}&       8.305         &       13.57\sym{*}  &       13.26\sym{***}\\
                    &     (6.391)         &     (6.583)         &     (10.64)         &     (7.356)         &     (4.364)         \\
Green bond(1=yes)   &      -2.342         &      -2.322         &       4.679         &       4.291         &      -17.63\sym{***}\\
                    &     (11.20)         &     (10.67)         &     (17.82)         &     (13.12)         &     (4.702)         \\
Rank                &      -7.580\sym{***}&      -7.650\sym{***}&      -10.41\sym{***}&      -11.76\sym{***}&       0.372         \\
                    &     (1.876)         &     (1.847)         &     (1.170)         &     (0.653)         &     (1.976)         \\
Tenor(in years)     &       1.356\sym{***}&       1.359\sym{***}&       1.267\sym{***}&       1.600\sym{***}&       2.152\sym{***}\\
                    &     (0.279)         &     (0.275)         &     (0.488)         &     (0.286)         &     (0.197)         \\
Amount              &       1.237         &       0.480         &       5.942         &       1.454         &       1.084         \\
                    &     (3.109)         &     (3.086)         &     (6.669)         &     (3.123)         &     (2.592)         \\
Year FE             &         Yes         &         Yes         &         Yes         &         Yes         &         Yes         \\
Country FE          &         Yes         &         Yes         &         Yes         &         Yes         &         Yes         \\
Asset-type FE       &         Yes         &         Yes         &         Yes         &         Yes         &         Yes         \\
Firm FE             &          No         &          No         &          No         &          No         &         Yes         \\
Observations        &        1284         &        1284         &         267         &         997         &        1261         \\
Adjusted \(R^{2}\)  &       0.592         &       0.595         &       0.584         &       0.662       &       0.779         \\
\multicolumn{6}{l}{\footnotesize Standard errors in parentheses}\\
\multicolumn{6}{l}{\footnotesize In column 1 and 2, the full sample of firms with an ESG score is used. In column 3, the sample at origination is used. In column 4, the full sample is used in an IV regression. In column 5, the full sample is used in a regression including firm fixed effects}\\
\multicolumn{6}{l}{\footnotesize \sym{*} \(p<0.10\), \sym{**} \(p<0.05\), \sym{***} \(p<0.01\)}\\



我还想建议您将 5 个数据列中的数字与各自的小数点对齐。这可以借助该dcolumn软件包来实现。请参阅下面的应用程序。




\documentclass{article} % or some other suitable document class

%% New instructions:
\newcommand\mc[1]{\multicolumn{1}{c}{#1}}    % handy shortcut macros

\setcounter{table}{1} % just for this example
\begin{table}[p] % place this float on a page by itself
%% First formal component: the caption
\caption{ESG and corporate bond spreads}\label{tab1}
%% Second formal component: the 'tabular' environment
\begin{tabular}{@{}l *{5}{d{3.5}} @{}}
&\mc{Panel OLS}&\mc{Panel OLS}&\mc{OLS}&\mc{IV}&\mcc{Panel OLS}\\
ESG score           & -0.296\sym{***}&                & -0.389\sym{**} &-0.0137         &-0.0460         \\
                    &(0.101)         &                &(0.197)         &(0.227)         &(0.0979)        \\
Environment score   &                & 0.0925         &                &                &                \\
                    &                &(0.0731)        &                &                &                \\
Social score        &                & -0.332\sym{***}&                &                &                \\
                    &                &(0.102)         &                &                &                \\
Governance score    &                &-0.0974         &                &                &                \\
                    &                &(0.0675)        &                &                &                \\
Firm size           &  4.508\sym{**} &  3.667         &  8.245\sym{**} &  1.517         & -1.274         \\
                    &(2.287)         &(2.270)         &(3.700)         &(2.928)         &(2.852)         \\
Capital intensity   &  0.226         &  0.155         &  0.141         & -0.145         &  0.272\sym{**} \\
                    &(0.176)         &(0.188)         &(0.168)         &(0.109)         &(0.129)         \\
Market-to-book      &  0.103\sym{***}&  0.116\sym{***}&  0.166         & 0.0624         & 0.0506         \\
                    & (0.0366)       &(0.0366)        &(0.149)         &(0.0616)        &(0.0347)        \\
Leverage            & -0.236         & -0.195         & -0.112         &  0.185         & -0.337\sym{**} \\
                    &(0.184)         &(0.183)         &(0.179)         &(0.125)         &(0.149)         \\
ROA                 & -0.924\sym{***}& -0.862\sym{***}& -0.534         & -0.240         & -0.165         \\
                    &(0.308)         &(0.299)         &(0.511)         &(0.261)         &(0.212)         \\
Interest coverage ratio& -0.521      & -0.561         & -0.919\sym{*}  & -0.237         &-0.0974         \\
                    &(0.431)         &(0.441)         &(0.479)         &(0.270)         &(0.210)         \\
Callable (1=yes)    &  20.43\sym{***}&  19.69\sym{***}&  8.305         &  13.57\sym{*}  &  13.26\sym{***}\\
                    &(6.391)         &(6.583)         &(10.64)         &(7.356)         &(4.364)         \\
Green bond (1=yes)  & -2.342         & -2.322         &  4.679         &  4.291         & -17.63\sym{***}\\
                    &(11.20)         &(10.67)         &(17.82)         &(13.12)         &(4.702)         \\
Rank                & -7.580\sym{***}& -7.650\sym{***}& -10.41\sym{***}& -11.76\sym{***}&  0.372         \\
                    &(1.876)         &(1.847)         &(1.170)         &(0.653)         &(1.976)         \\
Tenor (in years)    &  1.356\sym{***}&  1.359\sym{***}&  1.267\sym{***}&  1.600\sym{***}&  2.152\sym{***}\\
                    &(0.279)         &(0.275)         &(0.488)         &(0.286)         &(0.197)         \\
Amount              &  1.237         &  0.480         &  5.942         &  1.454         &  1.084         \\
                    &(3.109)         &(3.086)         &(6.669)         &(3.123)         &(2.592)         \\
Year FE             &\mc{Yes}        &\mc{Yes}        &\mc{Yes}        &\mc{Yes}        &\mcc{Yes}       \\
Country FE          &\mc{Yes}        &\mc{Yes}        &\mc{Yes}        &\mc{Yes}        &\mcc{Yes}       \\
Asset-type FE       &\mc{Yes}        &\mc{Yes}        &\mc{Yes}        &\mc{Yes}        &\mcc{Yes}       \\
Firm FE             & \mc{No}        & \mc{No}        & \mc{No}        & \mc{No}        &\mcc{Yes}       \\
Observations        &\mc{1284}       &\mc{1284}       &\mc{267}        &\mc{997}        &\mcc{1261}      \\
Adjusted \(R^{2}\)  &\mc{0.592}      & \mc{0.595}     &\mc{0.584 }     &\mc{0.662}      &\mcc{0.779}     \\

%% The third formal component: the 'tablenotes' environment
\item[1]Standard errors in parentheses.
\item[2]In columns 1 and 2, the full sample of firms with an ESG score is used. In column 3, the sample at origination is used. In column 4, the full sample is used in an IV regression. In column 5, the full sample is used in a regression including firm fixed effects.
\item[3]Statistical significance indicators: $\sym{*}\ p<0.10,\ \sym{**}\ p<0.05,\ \sym{***}\ p<0.01$.





    \caption{Sample ANOVA table}
        Stubhead & \( df \) & \( f \) & \( \eta \) & \( p \) \\
                 &     \multicolumn{4}{c}{Spanning text}     \\
        Row 1    & 1        & 0.67    & 0.55       & 0.41    \\
        Row 2    & 2        & 0.02    & 0.01       & 0.39    \\
        Row 3    & 3 \tnote{a}       & 0.15    & 0.33       & 0.34    \\
        Row 4    & 4        & 1.00    & 0.76       & 0.54    \\
      \item [a]This is where authors provide additional information about
      the data, including whatever notes are needed.

