





     >{$}l<{$} @{${}={}$} X@{}

\citet{hernandez1992probabilistic} further refines the PROLAM model and uses a virtual work calculation (see equation \ref{eqn:PROLAM deflection} to calculate the deflection ($\Delta$) which can be used in standard elastic deflection MOE calculations \ref{eqn:MOE4pt}.

    \Delta = \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{n} \left[\left(\frac{M_x m_x}{E_c I_i}+\frac{kV_xv_x}{A_iG_i}\right) \times \Delta_x \right]
    \label{eqn:PROLAM deflection}

    $\Delta$        & The total glulam beam deflection at $x$,\\
    $M_x$           & The bending moment at $x$ caused by actual loading,\\
    $m_x$           & The bending moment at $x$ caused by a unit load at the midspan of the beam,\\
    $V_x$           & The shear at $x$ caused by actual loading,\\
    $v_x$           & The shear at $x$ caused by a unit load at the midspan of the beam,\\
    $k$             & A form factor (1.2 for rectangular section),\\
    $E_c$           & A constant MOE value used in the transformed cross section,\\
    $I_i$           & The moment of inertia of the ith transformed cross section at x,\\
    $A_i$           & The transformed area at the ith transformed cross section at x,\\
    $G_i$           & The shear modulus of the ith transformed cross section at x,\\
    $\Delta_x$      & The increment at which calculations are performed,\\
    $n$             & The total number of increments along the beam length.\\










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     >{$}l<{$} @{${}={}$} X@{}

\citet{hernandez1992probabilistic} further refines the PROLAM model and uses a virtual work calculation (see equation \ref{eqn:PROLAM deflection} to calculate the deflection ($\Delta$) which can be used in standard elastic deflection MOE calculations \ref{eqn:MOE4pt}.

    \Delta = \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{n} \left[\left(\frac{M_x m_x}{E_c I_i}+\frac{kV_xv_x}{A_iG_i}\right) \times \Delta_x \right]
    \label{eqn:PROLAM deflection}

    $\Delta$        & The total glulam beam deflection at $x$,\\
    $M_x$           & The bending moment at $x$ caused by actual loading,\\
    $m_x$           & The bending moment at $x$ caused by a unit load at the midspan of the beam,\\
    $V_x$           & The shear at $x$ caused by actual loading,\\
    $v_x$           & The shear at $x$ caused by a unit load at the midspan of the beam,\\
    $k$             & A form factor (1.2 for rectangular section),\\
    $E_c$           & A constant MOE value used in the transformed cross section,\\
    $I_i$           & The moment of inertia of the ith transformed cross section at x,\\
    $A_i$           & The transformed area at the ith transformed cross section at x,\\
    $G_i$           & The shear modulus of the ith transformed cross section at x,\\
    $\Delta_x$      & The increment at which calculations are performed,\\
    $n$             & The total number of increments along the beam length.\\





     >{$}l<{$} @{${}={}$} X@{}%>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X@{}

\citet{hernandez1992probabilistic} further refines the PROLAM model and uses 
a virtual work calculation (see equation~\ref{eqn:PROLAM deflection}) to calculate 
the deflection ($\Delta$) which can be used in standard elastic deflection MOE 
    \Delta = \sum_{i=1}^{n} \left[
      \left(\frac{M_x m_x}{E_c I_i}+\frac{kV_xv_x}{A_iG_i}\right) \times \Delta_x
    \label{eqn:PROLAM deflection}
\item[$\Delta$]   is the total glulam beam deflection at $x$,
\item[$M_x$]      is the bending moment at $x$ caused by actual loading,
\item[$m_x$]      is the bending moment at $x$ caused by a unit load at the midspan of the beam,
\item[$V_x$]      is the shear at $x$ caused by actual loading,
\item[$v_x$]      is the shear at $x$ caused by a unit load at the midspan of the beam,
\item[$k$]        is a form factor ($1.2$ for rectangular section),
\item[$E_c$]      is a constant MOE value used in the transformed cross section,
\item[$I_i$]      is the moment of inertia of the $i$th transformed cross section at $x$,
\item[$A_i$]      is the transformed area at the $i$th transformed cross section at $x$,
\item[$G_i$]      is the shear modulus of the $i$th transformed cross section at $x$,
\item[$\Delta_x$] is the increment at which calculations are performed,
\item[$n$]        is the total number of increments along the beam length.





     >{$}l<{$} @{${}={}$} X@{}

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