我正在使用文档类 scrbook。我的书中有四个索引。我希望索引出现在目录中。因此我为此使用了 \chapter 命令。但是我在每个索引的第一页上都得到了页码,而这并不是我想要的。我该如何避免这个数字?
\setmainfont{Gentium Plus}
\makeindex[name=authors,title=Index of Authors]
\makeindex[name=texts,title=Index of Texts]
\makeindex[name=words,columns=3,title=Index of Words]
\makeindex[name=genres,title=Index of Genres]
\fancyhead{} % clear all header fields
\fancyhead[CE]{\textbf{Milking the Wish-fulfilling Cow}}
\fancyfoot{} % clear all footer fileds
\usepackage{lipsum}% only for dummy text
%\renewcommand*{\chaptermarkformat}{}% does not have an affect if fancyhdr is used
\usepackage{fontspec}% <- changed
\setmainfont{Gentium Plus}
\indexsetup{firstpagestyle=empty}% <=== first page of an index should use page style empty
\makeindex[name=authors,title=Index of Authors]
\makeindex[name=texts,title=Index of Texts]
\makeindex[name=words,columns=3,title=Index of Words]
\makeindex[name=genres,title=Index of Genres]
\fancyhf{} % clear all header and footer fields
\fancyhead[CE]{\textbf{Milking the Wish-fulfilling Cow}}
\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{#1}{}}% added
\lipsum[1-20]% dummy text to get some pages in the chapter
\lipsum[21-30]% dummy text to get some pages in the section
% dummy index entries:
\lipsum% dummy text to get some pages in the index
\lipsum% dummy text to get some pages in the index
\lipsum% dummy text to get some pages in the index
\lipsum% dummy text to get some pages in the index
带有 KOMA-Script 类的 KOMA-Script 包:
\usepackage{lipsum}% only for dummy text
\usepackage{fontspec}% <- changed
\setmainfont{Gentium Plus}
\indexsetup{firstpagestyle=empty}% <=== first page of an index should use page style empty
\makeindex[name=authors,title=Index of Authors]
\makeindex[name=texts,title=Index of Texts]
\makeindex[name=words,columns=3,title=Index of Words]
\makeindex[name=genres,title=Index of Genres]
\usepackage[headsepline]{scrlayer-scrpage}% sets page style scrheadings automatically
\clearmainofpairofpagestyles % clear all header and footer fields for scrheadings
\cehead{\textbf{Milking the Wish-fulfilling Cow}}
\lipsum[1-20]% dummy text to get some pages in the chapter
\lipsum[21-30]% dummy text to get some pages in the section
% dummy index entries:
\lipsum% dummy text to get some pages in the index
\lipsum% dummy text to get some pages in the index
\lipsum% dummy text to get some pages in the index
\lipsum% dummy text to get some pages in the index
\usepackage{lipsum}% only for dummy text
\usepackage{fontspec}% <- changed
\setmainfont{Gentium Plus}
\makeindex[name=authors,title=Index of Authors]
\makeindex[name=texts,title=Index of Texts]
\makeindex[name=words,columns=3,title=Index of Words]
\makeindex[name=genres,title=Index of Genres]
\usepackage[headsepline]{scrlayer-scrpage}% sets page style scrheadings automatically
\clearpairofpagestyles % clear all header and footer fields for scrheadings and plain
\cehead{\textbf{Milking the Wish-fulfilling Cow}}
\lipsum[1-20]% dummy text to get some pages in the chapter
\lipsum[21-30]% dummy text to get some pages in the section
% dummy index entries:
\lipsum% dummy text to get some pages in the index
\lipsum% dummy text to get some pages in the index
\lipsum% dummy text to get some pages in the index
\lipsum% dummy text to get some pages in the index