我想将表格移到框架左侧,以便为其他列留出足够的空间。我使用 \longtable,因为内容很多,还使用 logtable 添加了一张额外的幻灯片。
\newcolumntype{Y}{>{\arraybackslash\RaggedRight}X} %%% for tiny table
\newcolumntype{P}[1]{>{\arraybackslash\RaggedRight}p{#1}} %% for tiny table
\usepackage{amssymb}% http://ctan.org/pkg/amssymb
\usepackage{pifont}% http://ctan.org/pkg/pifont
\tiny %% command to change the font size
\caption{Recent studies}
\label{tableM} % table 2
\begin{longtable}{p{1.4cm} l p{1cm}p{2cm}p{0.5cm}lp{0.5cm}p{0.5cm}p{0.5cm}}
Approach & Reference &Domain &Technique/strategies &Hybrid method & Sparsity & Cold-start& Scalability & Accuracy \\ \hline
Memory-based &\cite{jhalani2016linear} &Movie &Linear regression & \xmark & \xmark & \xmark & \xmark & \cmark \\
Memory-based &\cite{kant2017enhanced} &Movie &Fuzzy bayesian & \xmark & \xmark & \xmark & \cmark & \cmark \\
Memory-based &\cite{mikeli2013multi} &Movie &Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) &\xmark & \xmark & \xmark & \xmark & \cmark\\
Memory-based &\cite{turk2019robustness} &Movie &Shilling Attack &\xmark & \xmark & \xmark & \xmark & \cmark\\
Memory-based &\cite{winarko2014improving}&Document &Combination algorithm &\xmark & \xmark & \xmark & \xmark & \cmark\\
表格的第一列包含重复的内容,不妨将其放在子行标题中。少处理 1 列非常有益,因为它允许您将相对字体大小从 更改\tiny
无论您做什么,都不要将 a 包裹longtable
在 a 里面table
\frametitle{Recent studies in MCRS}
\setlength\tabcolsep{3pt} % default: 6pt
\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.333} % '1.50' seems excessive
\begin{longtable}{@{} P{2cm} l P{2cm} C{9mm} *{4}{C{8mm}} @{}}
% header and footer settings
Reference & Domain & Technique\slash strategies
& Hybrid method & Sparsity & Cold-start & Scalability & Accuracy \\
% body of longtable
\multicolumn{5}{@{}l}{A. Memory-based approaches}\\
\cite{jhalani2016linear} &Movie &Linear regression &\xmark &\xmark & \xmark & \xmark & \cmark \\
\cite{kant2017enhanced} &Movie &Fuzzy Bayesian &\xmark &\xmark & \xmark & \cmark & \cmark \\
\cite{mikeli2013multi} &Movie &Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) &\xmark & \xmark & \xmark & \xmark & \cmark\\
\cite{turk2019robustness} &Movie &Shilling Attack &\xmark &\xmark & \xmark & \xmark & \cmark\\
\cite{winarko2014improving}&Document &Combination algorithm &\xmark &\xmark & \xmark & \xmark & \cmark\\
\dots & \dots & \dots \\