biblatex autocite 不显示引用中的日期

biblatex autocite 不显示引用中的日期

我正在使用 biblatex 来创建参考书目,但不确定为什么日期没有显示在引文本身中。我肯定我遗漏了一些选项,但我不明白为什么日期没有显示。







For \cite{Wittgenstein1953-WITPI-4} it seems as though word meaning is inherently tied to its use in language. \cite{chomsky1986knowledge} goes a slightly different way about it and says that the results of language acquisition seem to him to be instantaneous because the “intermediate states attained do not change the principles available for the interpretation of data at later stages in a way that affects the state attained”. Furthermore, he seems to conclude that humans are innately provided with a stock of concepts, and that the task of a child is to discover their labels (names)\autocite{chomsky_smith_2000}. \cite{Wittgenstein1953-WITPI-4} too, rejects the notion of behaviourism \autocite{hutto2000beyond}. This is the theory that human or animal behaviour is based on mental training and the influence of habit, rather than being explained by thoughts and feelings. For supporters of behaviourism, reflexes and individual history (like reinforcement and punishment) play a far more important role than heredity.

这是我从构建文档的 main.tex 文件中获取的代码,下面是参考书目文件。

    publisher = {Wiley-Blackwell},
    title = {Philosophical Investigations},
    year = {1953},
    author = {Ludwig Wittgenstein}

  title={Knowledge of Language: Its Nature, Origin, and Use},
  author={Chomsky, N.},
  series={Convergence (New York, N.Y.)},
  note={p. 54}

title={New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind}, 
publisher={Cambridge University Press}, 
author={Chomsky, N. and Smith, N.}, 
note={pp. 64-66}



MLA 格式不显示引用年份。例如,请参阅 在 MLA 格式中,您只需提供作者姓名,如果需要,还可以提供标题,以区分同一作者的两部作品。



\usepackage[style=authoryear, backend=biber]{biblatex}

  author   = {Sigfridsson, Emma and Ryde, Ulf},
  title    = {Comparison of methods for deriving atomic charges from the
              electrostatic potential and moments},
  journal  = {Journal of Computational Chemistry},
  date     = 1998,
  volume   = 19,
  number   = 4,
  pages    = {377-395},
  doi      = {10.1002/(SICI)1096-987X(199803)19:4<377::AID-JCC1>3.0.CO;2-P},
  author    = {Chomsky, N. and Smith, N.}, 
  title     = {New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind}, 
  year      = {2000}, 
  DOI       = {10.1017/CBO9780511811937}, 
  publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, 

Lorem \autocite[64-66]{chomsky_smith_2000}
ipsum \autocite[380-382]{sigfridsson}

Lorem(Chomsky 和 ​​Smith 2000,第 64-66 页)ipsum(Sigfridsson 和 Ryde 1998,第 380-382 页)

在参考书目中列出书籍的页码参考并不常见(例如无需修改 .bib 条目即可在书目项目中指定页码范围)。通常,只有在引用中才会给出对特定页面范围的精确引用。页面范围通常仅在用于将整个作品定位在更大的容器中时才添加到参考书目中(例如,位于@articlea 中的journal@incollection中的booktitle)。在上面的例子中,sigfridsson位于@article更大的作品中,因此有一个pages字段,但chomsky_smith_2000它指的是整本书,没有字段pages。在这两种情况下,您都可以在引用中给出特定的页面引用。


MLA 格式不显示引用中的年份 使用 style=authoryear,可获得正常的作者年份引用。– moewe
