使用 natbib 和 imakeidx 进行作者索引

使用 natbib 和 imakeidx 进行作者索引

我希望生成一个引用作者的索引。我在文档中使用imakeidxnatbib调用\citeindextrue,但引用似乎没有在生成的 .idx 文件中注册(手动输入的关键字确实被编入索引)。



  Title                    = {Essays in Ancient Philosophy},
  Author                   = {Michael Frede},
  Publisher                = {University of Minnesota Press},
  Year                     = {1987}
  Title                    = {An Empiricist View of Knowledge: Memorism},
  Author                   = {Michael Frede},
  Booktitle                = {Companions to Ancient Thought 1: Epistemology},
  Publisher                = {Cambridge University Press},
  Year                     = {1990},
  Editor                   = {Stephen Everson},
  Pages                    = {225-250}
  Title                    = {The Brute Within},
  Author                   = {Hendrik Lorenz},
  Publisher                = {Oxford University Press},
  Year                     = {2006}



Some citations: \citet[243--60]{Frede1987} and \citet[227--34]{Frede1990} and also \citet[4--7]{Lorenz2006}. Some keywords: \index{key} key, \index{word} word.



