IEEE Access 将图像移至页面底部

IEEE Access 将图像移至页面底部

我在用IEEE 访问模板我想让我的图形位于页面的底部而不是顶部,但是使用hbp图像会转到文档的最后一页,就像这样。


这里有 MWE:

%% Todo list -- remove after



\def\BibTeX{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em

\history{Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.}

\title{Preparation of Papers for IEEE ACCESS}

\tfootnote{This paragraph of the first footnote will contain support 
information, including sponsor and financial support acknowledgment. For 
example, ``This work was supported in part by the U.S. Department of 
Commerce under Grant BS123456.''}

{Author \headeretal: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS}
{Author \headeretal: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS}


Enter key words or phrases in alphabetical 
order, separated by commas. For a list of suggested keywords, send a blank 
e-mail to [email protected] or visit \underline





\Figure[!htp](topskip=0pt, botskip=1pt, midskip=0pt)[width=.45\textwidth]{example-image-duck}{f1.\label{fig:f1}}
\Figure[!htp](topskip=0pt, botskip=1pt, midskip=0pt)[width=.45\textwidth]{example-image-duck}{f1.\label{fig:f3}}

\Figure[!htp](topskip=0pt, botskip=1pt, midskip=0pt)[width=.65\textwidth]{example-image-duck}{f2.\label{fig:f2}}








%% Todo list -- remove after

%\usepackage{graphicx} redundant


\def\BibTeX{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em

\history{Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.}

\title{Preparation of Papers for IEEE ACCESS}

\tfootnote{This paragraph of the first footnote will contain support 
information, including sponsor and financial support acknowledgment. For 
example, ``This work was supported in part by the U.S. Department of 
Commerce under Grant BS123456.''}

{Author \headeretal: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS}
{Author \headeretal: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS}


Enter key words or phrases in alphabetical 
order, separated by commas. For a list of suggested keywords, send a blank 
e-mail to [email protected] or visit \underline





\Figure[!htp](topskip=0pt, botskip=1pt, midskip=0pt)[width=.45\textwidth]{example-image-duck}{f1.\label{fig:f1}}

\setcounter{figure}{2}% for figure 3
\Figure[b](topskip=0pt, botskip=1pt, midskip=0pt)[width=.65\textwidth]{example-image-duck}{f3.\label{fig:f3}}

\setcounter{figure}{1}% for figure 2
\Figure[!htp](topskip=0pt, botskip=1pt, midskip=0pt)[width=.45\textwidth]{example-image-duck}{f2.\label{fig:f2}}
\setcounter{figure}{3}% resume automatic


