\begin{tikzpicture} [scale = 0.5]
% Draw the triangle
\coordinate (O) at (0,0);
\coordinate (A) at (5,0);
\coordinate (B) at (2.5,4.33);
\draw (O) -- (A) -- (B) -- cycle;
%Draw the line tick marks
\draw [line width = 0.5 pt] (2.5,-0.25) -- (2.5,0.25);
\draw [line width = 0.5 pt] (1.5,2.021) -- (1,2.309);
\draw [line width = 0.5 pt] (4,2.309) -- (3.5,2.021);
%Draw the angles
\tkzMarkAngle [size=0.8cm](B,A,O)
\tkzMarkAngle [size=0.8cm](A,O,B)
\tkzMarkAngle [size=0.8cm](O,B,A)
%Tick the Angles
\draw [line width = 0.5 pt] (2.5,3.25) -- (2.5,3.75);
\draw [line width = 0.5 pt] (4.5,0.288675) -- (4.1,0.52);
\draw [line width = 0.5 pt] (0.5,0.288) -- (0.9,0.52);
\textbf{Equilateral} Triangle \\
的 设置为tikzpicture
。这里有两个例子,一个将它设置为一个距离,另一个将它设置为与三角形重心处的幻影节点的底部重合,位于 的中心,tikzpicture
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale = 0.5,baseline=0.9cm]
% Draw the triangle
\coordinate (O) at (0,0);
\coordinate (A) at (5,0);
\coordinate (B) at (2.5,4.33);
\draw (O) -- (A) -- (B) -- cycle;
%Draw the line tick marks
\draw [line width = 0.5 pt] (2.5,-0.25) -- (2.5,0.25);
\draw [line width = 0.5 pt] (1.5,2.021) -- (1,2.309);
\draw [line width = 0.5 pt] (4,2.309) -- (3.5,2.021);
%Draw the angles
\tkzMarkAngle [size=0.8cm](B,A,O)
\tkzMarkAngle [size=0.8cm](A,O,B)
\tkzMarkAngle [size=0.8cm](O,B,A)
%Tick the Angles
\draw [line width = 0.5 pt] (2.5,3.25) -- (2.5,3.75);
\draw [line width = 0.5 pt] (4.5,0.288675) -- (4.1,0.52);
\draw [line width = 0.5 pt] (0.5,0.288) -- (0.9,0.52);
\textbf{Equilateral} Triangle \\
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale = 0.5,baseline={(X.base)}]
% Draw the triangle
\coordinate (O) at (0,0);
\coordinate (A) at (5,0);
\coordinate (B) at (2.5,4.33);
\path (barycentric cs:O=1,A=1,B=1) node(X){\vphantom{X}};
\draw (O) -- (A) -- (B) -- cycle;
%Draw the line tick marks
\draw [line width = 0.5 pt] (2.5,-0.25) -- (2.5,0.25);
\draw [line width = 0.5 pt] (1.5,2.021) -- (1,2.309);
\draw [line width = 0.5 pt] (4,2.309) -- (3.5,2.021);
%Draw the angles
\tkzMarkAngle [size=0.8cm](B,A,O)
\tkzMarkAngle [size=0.8cm](A,O,B)
\tkzMarkAngle [size=0.8cm](O,B,A)
%Tick the Angles
\draw [line width = 0.5 pt] (2.5,3.25) -- (2.5,3.75);
\draw [line width = 0.5 pt] (4.5,0.288675) -- (4.1,0.52);
\draw [line width = 0.5 pt] (0.5,0.288) -- (0.9,0.52);
\textbf{Equilateral} Triangle \\
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale = 0.5,baseline={(X.base)}]
% Draw the triangle
\coordinate (O) at (0,0);
\coordinate (A) at (5,0);
\coordinate (B) at (2.5,4.33);
\draw (O) -- (A) -- (B) -- cycle;
%Draw the line tick marks
\draw [line width = 0.5 pt] (2.5,-0.25) -- (2.5,0.25);
\draw [line width = 0.5 pt] (1.5,2.021) -- (1,2.309);
\draw [line width = 0.5 pt] (4,2.309) -- (3.5,2.021);
%Draw the angles
\tkzMarkAngle [size=0.8cm](B,A,O)
\tkzMarkAngle [size=0.8cm](A,O,B)
\tkzMarkAngle [size=0.8cm](O,B,A)
%Tick the Angles
\draw [line width = 0.5 pt] (2.5,3.25) -- (2.5,3.75);
\draw [line width = 0.5 pt] (4.5,0.288675) -- (4.1,0.52);
\draw [line width = 0.5 pt] (0.5,0.288) -- (0.9,0.52);
\path (current bounding box.center) node(X){\vphantom{X}};
\textbf{Equilateral} Triangle \\
$\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[scale = 0.5]
% Draw the triangle
\coordinate (O) at (0,0);
\coordinate (A) at (5,0);
\coordinate (B) at (2.5,4.33);
\draw (O) -- (A) -- (B) -- cycle;
%Draw the line tick marks
\draw [line width = 0.5 pt] (2.5,-0.25) -- (2.5,0.25);
\draw [line width = 0.5 pt] (1.5,2.021) -- (1,2.309);
\draw [line width = 0.5 pt] (4,2.309) -- (3.5,2.021);
%Draw the angles
\tkzMarkAngle [size=0.8cm](B,A,O)
\tkzMarkAngle [size=0.8cm](A,O,B)
\tkzMarkAngle [size=0.8cm](O,B,A)
%Tick the Angles
\draw [line width = 0.5 pt] (2.5,3.25) -- (2.5,3.75);
\draw [line width = 0.5 pt] (4.5,0.288675) -- (4.1,0.52);
\draw [line width = 0.5 pt] (0.5,0.288) -- (0.9,0.52);
\textbf{Equilateral} Triangle \\