当特定 IPA 字符(例如 ʁ、ɢ、ʔ、ʃ)在上下文中以斜体显示时,章节标题不会显示这些字符\section{\textit{}}
。我使用 Keyman 作为我的 Unicode IPA 键盘布局,它可以很好地在段落、示例等中输入语言字符。但标题会出现奇怪的结果。然而,令人惊讶的是,标题在目录和图表列表中打印正确,包括那些未读的 IPA 符号。我读过有关类似问题的其他问题,但没有找到适合我的问题的选项。如您所见,我使用\usepackage{fontspec}
;我想知道最后一个包是否有问题。MWE 如下:
\documentclass[12pt, one side]{book}
\usepackage {setspace}
\usepackage{fontspec}% Enable KEYMAN functionality
%\bookmark[dest=TitlePage]{Title Page}
\chapter{Valence Alternations}
\section{Reciprocality and beyond: previous work and goals}
This section describes the range of uses of the suffix \textit{-taʔ}. A previous work on the Mocoví spoken in Southern Chaco analyzed \textit{-taʔ} as a \textit{reciprocal} verb marker \citep[see][45]{Gualdieri1998}. This work provides further data on the uses of \textit{-taʔ} focusing on its syntactic and semantic properties.
\section{The functionality of \textit{-taʔ}}
\subsection{Transitive predicates}
The suffix \textit{-taʔ} can in fact be used to express reciprocal constructions and occurs as the rightmost suffix of the verb morphological structure, as shown in (\ref{reciprocal marking}).
%%%Rememeber that I'm using the {tipa} package. I'm not sure if this is the most practical package. It gives me the font but I think there is another option for the same output, look for it.
在我的测试中,使用 libertinus 而不是 libertine 对我认为是您的那个问题没有影响。但 \usepackage[sb]{libertine} 可以工作。显然粗体斜体变体中有一个错误。libertinus 开发人员应该能够为他们的字体修复它。