pdfpages 不使用 KOMA 书籍类写入目录

pdfpages 不使用 KOMA 书籍类写入目录

我正在以累积的方式撰写论文,因此想通过 pdfpages 包包含已发表的论文。它很好地包含了它们,对于图表,条目被传递到列表中,可以使用 hyperref 访问。但是,对于章节和小节,“文本”没有被传递,即我得到了目录中的编号、缩进和页码,但没有得到文本。

我通常使用 XeLaTeX-->Biber-->XeLaTeX。



% ===== File mainthesis.tex - Dissertation ======
version=last,                   %always uses the latest version of KOMA Script (currently 3.28)
draft=false,                    % draft option on, i.e. small black boxes on the end of paragraphs needing post processing and others.
overfullrule=false,         % also lerading to black boxes, but no other effect compared to draft mode.
paper=a4,                       % size
oneside,                        % indicates two side printing, affects margins, as well as vertical stretching to achieve same level of bottom line.
open=any,                   % also enables chapters to start on the left page AND right page. Alternatively use "right" or "left".
fontsize=11pt,              % main font size, which affects further sizing using large, huge, tiny etc.
numbers=noenddot,           % title without dot
toc=bibliography,           % bibliography in the table of content
BCOR=12mm,              % binding correction, i.e. margin added to coorect for the amount of paper "lost" because of binding, ask the printer before how much this will be.
headings=big,               %normal sized headings(chapter/section titles), default is "big"
headings=optiontohead,  %uses the short statement in the chapter/section command for the running head. \chapter[short stement]{heading title} => work on the ones already created.
]{scrbook}                  % KOMA -script class : scrbook

\usepackage{xcolor}                             % color

\definecolor{fh_blue}{cmyk}{0.62, 0.15, 0, 0.08}            
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\usepackage[final]{pdfpages}                        % to import pdfs

\usepackage[german,english]{babel}              % language packages included, English set as main language

% ====== Glossaries and indexes ======

% ====== Hyperref package !LAST TO BE LOADED! ======
%   hyperindex=true,                % Makes the page numbers of index entries into hyperlinks, not needed due to the linktocpage
    linktoc=all,                    % Makes the page numbers and text to be link in the Table of content.
    linktocpage=true,               % Makes the page numbers only to be link in the Table of content etc.
    breaklinks=true,                % Allows links to be broken into multiple lines. 
    colorlinks=true,                % Colours the text for links and anchors, these colors will appear in the printed version   
    linkcolor=fh_blue,              % Colour for normal internal links
    citecolor=fh_blue2,             % color for citations 
    urlcolor=black,             % Colour for linked URLs 
    anchorcolor=black,              % Colour for anchor (target) text 
    frenchlinks=false,              % Use small caps instead of colors for links 
% ====== pdf specific hyperref options ======
    pdftitle={title},               % Sets the .pdf Title
    pdfauthor={who knowsi},         % Sets the document Author. 
    bookmarksopen=true,         % Bookmarks are shown with all sub-trees expanded. 
    pdfhighlight=/N,                % no change when selecting pdf links
    pdfpagemode=UseOutlines,        % open with open bookmarks
    pdfstartpage=1,             % Determines on which page the PDF file is opened. 
    pdfdisplaydoctitle=true,            % display document title instead of file name in title bar
    pdftoolbar=false,               % hides the pdf toolbar
    pdfpagelayout=OneColumn     % Displays the document in one column; continuous scrolling.s

\usepackage[all]{hypcap}                % to make pdf jumps to the top of the element, not the caption (e.g. directly figure)   


\frontmatter                            % does roman numbering for starting pages

\tableofcontents                        % generates table of contents

\mainmatter                         % does arabic numbering for main part

\includepdf[trim=25mm 25mm 25mm 30mm, clip, pagecommand={\thispagestyle{plain}}, offset=6mm 20mm, pages={1-}, scale=0.7,
    1, section, 1, {somuchtext}, {results:ijms},
    1, subsection, 2, {Introduction}, ijmsIntro,
    3, subsection, 2, {Results}, ijmsRes,     
    10, subsection, 2, {Discussion}, ijmsDis,
    11, subsection, 2, {Material and Methods}, ijmsMnM
    3, figure, {fig1}, ijmsFig1,
    5, figure, {fig2}, ijmsFig2



% ===== end of it =====

.toc 中的条目如下所示:

\babel@toc {english}{}
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {1}Results}{1}{chapter.1}%
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.1}}{2}{section.1.1}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.1.1}}{2}{subsection.1.1.1}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.1.2}}{4}{subsection.1.1.2}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.1.3}}{11}{subsection.1.1.3}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.1.4}}{12}{subsection.1.1.4}%
\contentsline {chapter}{\nonumberline List of Figures}{17}{chapter*.2}%

当我手动修改目录并重新编译时,它们可以在目录中工作,但不能在 pdf 书签中工作。

\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.1}somuchtext}{2}{section.1.1}%





pdfpages 被 搞糊涂了heading=optiontohead。在本地将其更改为标准 optiontoheadandtoc

]{scrbook}                  % KOMA -script class : scrbook






    1, section, 1, {somuchtext}, {results:ijms}

