为什么 a4paper 会在图片标题和下面的文字之间添加跳过?

为什么 a4paper 会在图片标题和下面的文字之间添加跳过?

我仍在垂直调整图像和下面的标题。通过这个问题,出现了一个新问题。标题和以下文本之间的跳跃是什么?figureLaTeX 内核中定义的环境在哪里(哪个文件),以便我可以自己调查类似的事情?








\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture]
\coordinate(upper) at ($(current page.north east) - (2.5,0)$);
\coordinate(lower) at ($(current page.south east) - (2.5,0)$);

This is a
    \caption[]{\tikz[baseline=(x.base),remember picture]{\node[inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt](x){Just};} a test}%

\tikz[baseline=(y.base),remember picture]{\node[inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt](y){This};} is a line of text to show what happens below the figure.
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay,draw=red]%
\coordinate(x1) at (x.base west);
\coordinate(x2) at (x.base east);
\coordinate(x3) at (intersection of upper--lower and x1--x2);
\draw (x.base west) -- (x3);
\coordinate(y1) at (y.base west);
\coordinate(y2) at (y.base east);
\coordinate(y3) at (intersection of upper--lower and y1--y2);
\draw (y.base west) -- (y3);
\coordinate(nextbaseline1) at ($(y.base west) - (0,12bp)$);
\coordinate(nextbaseline2) at ($(nextbaseline1) + (1,0)$);
\coordinate(nextbaseline3) at (intersection of upper--lower and nextbaseline1--nextbaseline2);
\draw (nextbaseline1) -- (nextbaseline3);
\draw[->] ($(x3) - (0.5cm,0)$) -- ++(0,-12bp)node[midway,right]{more than 12bp};
\draw[->] ($(y3) - (0.5cm,0)$) -- ++(0,-12bp)node[midway,right]{baselineskip=12bp};


问题似乎出a4paper在几何选项上。 hack 做了哪些更改,a4paper使得从标题跳转到下面的文本?\documentclass[a4paper]{article}顺便说一句,使用也有同样的问题。


注释太长了。下面是一个更简单的 MWE,其中 tikz 代码较少。请注意,%删除\strut




% placed here if some package or class decides on doing at begin
% document stuff



This is a \lipsum[1]%\strut

    \caption[]{\tikz[baseline=(x.base),remember picture]{\node[inner
        sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt](x){Just};} a test g}%

\tikz[baseline=(y.base),remember picture]{\node[inner sep=0pt,outer
  sep=0pt](y){This};} is a line of text to show what happens below the
figure is a line of text to show what happens below the figure is a
line of text to show what happens below the figure
\tikz[baseline=(z.base),remember picture]{\node[inner sep=0pt,outer

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay,draw=red]%

  \draw (x.base west -| current page.west) -- (x.base west -| current page.east) coordinate (a);
  \draw (y.base west -| current page.west) -- (y.base west -| current page.east) coordinate (b);
  \draw (z.base west -| current page.west) -- (z.base west -| current page.east);

  \draw[->] ($(a)+(-3,0)$) -- ++(0,-12bp) node[midway,right] {\tiny 12bp arrow};
  \draw[->] ($(b)+(-3,0)$) -- ++(0,-12bp) node[midway,right] {\tiny 12bp arrow};


