


谢谢 在此处输入图片描述


这是不使用 TikZ 的答案:您必须使用诸如的命令定义页脚将链接到的目标标签\phantomsection\label{ans:imag},然后将其作为参数传递给环境,例如\begin{equation}{label:imag}。如果目标是、使用创建的环境或作为有效链接锚点的另一个命令,则\phantomsection不需要。如果您收到有关可能已更改的引用的警告,请重新编译第二次,它将正常工作。\section\newtheoremhyperref

我使用unicode-math,但由于您还指定了 PDFLaTeX:这种方法对于经典软件包同样适用。例如,这里的所有符号也都在stix和中stix2,或者使用您选择的字体包。

\usepackage[paperwidth=10cm]{geometry} % Solely to crop the MWE on TeX.SX.
\usepackage{unicode-math} % Or your font packages of choice, e.g. bera.
\usepackage{xparse} % For \NewDocumentEnvironment
\usepackage{xfrac} % For \sfrac.
\usepackage[svgnames, Svgnames]{xcolor}
\usepackage[colorlinks, linkcolor=MediumVioletRed, unicode]{hyperref}

\defaultfontfeatures{ Scale = MatchLowercase, Ligatures = TeX }
\setmainfont{Fira Sans}[Scale = 1.0]
\setsansfont{Fira Sans}
\setmonofont{Fira Code}
\setmathfont{Fira Math}
\setmathfont[range={\blacktriangledown, \QED}]{XITS Math}

% Use the tombstone symbol for Q.E.D., as in some editions of DEK’s Art of
% Computer Programming.  Will be used at the end of exercises and also proofs.

% The imaginary unit, here set upright:


% It would be possible to specify formatting, such as "Exercise/Exercise"
% and the symbols in the footer, as parameters here, e.g. G{Exercise}.  In
% practice, YAGNI.
% The argument is the label of the answers, e.g. \begin{exersise}{ans:imag}
Exercice \arabic{ExerciseCtr}\endgroup\\*%
\hyperref[#1]{Correction \(\blacktriangledown\)}%

% Also provide an unnumbered exercise*, by analogy with the ams environments.
\hyperref[#1]{Correction \(\blacktriangledown\)}%

\noindent Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Écrire sous la forme \(a + \iu b\) les nombres complexes suivants:

    \item Nombre de module \(2\) et d'argument
    \item Nombre de module \(2\) et d'argument

Un exercise.  

Reportez-vous à l'exercice \ref{exer:1}.

