\documentclass[tikz, margin=3mm]{standalone}
% first image
node distance = 4mm and 7mm,
box/.style = {rectangle, draw, thick,
minimum height=5ex, outer sep=1ex},
every edge/.style = {draw, semithick, -{Triangle[angle=45:2pt 3]}}
% nodes
\node (n1) [box] {(1) Branche};
\node (n2) [box,right=of n1] {(2) Organization};
\node (n3) [box,above right=of n2] {(3) Mitarbeiter};
\node (n4) [box,below right=of n2] {(4) Product};
\node (n5) [box,below right=of n3] {(5) Langlebigeit};
% arrows
\path (n1) edge (n2)
(n1) edge (n3.west)
(n1) edge (n4.west)
(n2) edge (n3)
(n2) edge (n4)
(n2) edge (n5)
(n3) edge (n5)
(n4) edge (n5)
% second image
node distance = 4mm and 7mm,
box/.style = {rectangle, draw, thick,
text width=9em, minimum height=5ex, align=center,
outer sep=1ex},
every edge/.style = {draw, semithick, -{Triangle[angle=45:2pt 3]}}
% nodes
\node (n1) [box] {Respect Selbswirksamkeit Selbstestimmung Anerkennung Tufridenheit};
\node (n2) [box,above right=of n1]
{Umwelt Mitarbeiter Formelle Structure Organisation Organisationsziel};
\node (n3) [box,above right=of n2] {Organisationtheorie};
\node (n4) [box,right=of n2 -| n3.east] {Organisation};
\node (n5) [box,right=of n1 -| n2.east] {Individium};
\node (n6) [box,below right=of n5.east |- n1.south] {Langlebigeit/Erfolg};
\node (n7) [box,below left=of n5.west |- n1.south] {Resonanc};
% arrows
\path (n1) edge (n5)
(n1) edge (n7)
(n2) edge (n1)
(n2) edge (n4)
(n2) edge (n5)
(n3) edge (n2)
(n3) edge (n4)
(n3) edge (n5)
(n3) edge (n6)
(n3) edge (n7)
(n4) edge (n6)
(n5) edge (n4)
(n5) edge (n6)
(n7) edge (n5)
(n7) edge (n6)
% The shape:
% The size:
minimum size=6mm,
% The border:
very thick,
draw=red!50!black!50, % 50% red and 50% black,
% and that mixed with 50% white
% The filling:
top color=white, % a shading that is white at the top...
bottom color=red!50!black!20, % and something else at the bottom
% Font
\matrix[row sep=8mm,column sep=12mm] {
% First row:
& & \node [terminal](p4) {unsigned integer};& & & \\
% Second row:
\node [terminal](p1) {(1)unsigned integer}; &
\node [terminal](p2) {unsigned integer}; &
\node [terminal](p3) {unsigned integer}; \\
% Third row:
& & \node [terminal] (p5){unsigned integer};& & & \\
\draw (p1) edge [->] (p2)
(p2) edge [->] (p3);
\draw (p1) edge [->, shorten >=2pt] (p4.west)
(p2) edge [->, shorten >=6pt] (p4.west)
(p1) edge [->, shorten >=2pt] (p5.west)
(p2) edge [->, shorten >=6pt] (p5.west)
(p4) edge [->, shorten >=6pt] (p3)
(p5) edge [->, shorten >=6pt] (p3);