我想围绕练习(仅用于问题)制作一个颜色框。我曾使用 tcolorbox 进行定理研究,但无法理解如何将其用于所有练习。如能提出建议,我将不胜感激。
\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt]{book}
\Exercise Investigate convergence of the following integrals:
\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt]{book}
\textbf{\ExerciseListName\ \ExerciseHeaderNB \ExerciseHeaderTitle}%
Something before the list. Something before the list. Something before the list. Something before the list. Something before the list.
\Exercise Investigate convergence of the following integrals:
\Answer An answer.
\Exercise Another question:
\Answer Another answer.
Something after the list.
Something after the list.
Something after the list.
Something after the list.
Something after the list.