

我正在尝试更改玛丽居里个人奖学金模板的引用样式(https://github.com/ferencek/H2020-MSCA-IF-20XY) 从 verbose-inote 改为 chem-acs。替换以下行:





编辑:下面我添加了一个最小工作示例。抱歉,它看起来仍然不是很“最小”;提交所需的格式相当复杂。不得不让 Latex 来做这件事真是太可惜了!

    title = {Molybdenum},
    volume = {10},
    shorttitle = {Mo},
    doi = {10.10001},
    number = {46},
    journal = {Chem. Commun.},
    author = {Schrock R. R.},
    year = {1986},
    pages = {3--4}



% HotFix from http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/300259/84485
% Version1 of titlesec is not compatible with the latest texlive. 
% Either the titlesec package must be updated, or the following HotFix used:

\usepackage{soul} % for smarter (word-wrapping) underlining
\setul{1pt}{.4pt} % 1pt below contents


\newcommand{\TODO}[1]{{\textcolor{red}{[\textbf{TODO:} #1]}}}
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% \titlespacing\subsubsection{0pt}{6pt plus 4pt minus 2pt}{0pt plus 2pt minus 2pt}

\renewcommand{\cite}{\autocite} % citations in footnotes



% Explicitly set footnote font size to match call (i.e., 8pt).
% Taken from http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/249422/84485
   \abovedisplayskip 8\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus4\p@
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    pdftitle={H2020-MSCA-IF-2020},    % title

\textcolor{red}{{\large {\bf START PAGE COUNT \--- MAX 10 PAGES~~~~~}}\\
\textcolor{red}{{\large {\bf STOP PAGE COUNT \--- MAX 10 PAGES~~~~~}}\\

% To correctly align fancy headers.
% Courtesy of: http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/88136/84485

\fancyhead[C]{\color{gray}{\ac{PropAcronym}\xspace\xspace - EF-ST}}
\fancyfoot[C]{\color{gray}{Part B - Page \thepage~of \pageref*{sec:letters}}}


% For CV
\newcommand\VRule{\color{lightgray}\vrule width 0.5pt}

%List of acronyms used in the proposal 
%read the acronym package manual for details: http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/acronym/acronym.pdf
%\acs{PropAcronym} gives acronym [in square brackets]
%\acl{PropAcronym} gives long form of acronym, probably not used {in second set of braces}
%\acf{PropAcronym} gives both
\acro{IF}{Individual Fellowships}
\acro{PropAcronym}[PROPOSAL ACRONYM]{This is my proposal's acronym}

%mark proposal acronym as used, such that the short-hand form is always used by default.

% !TEX root = ./IF-2018-Part_B.tex

\section{CV of the experienced researcher}

The CV is intrinsic to the evaluation of the whole proposal and is assessed throughout the three evaluation criteria by the expert evaluators. Ensure that the information provided in Parts A and B is fully consistent. Always mention full dates (dd/mm/yyyy) in your CV.\cite{schrock_molybdenum_1986}



verbose-inote样式默认生成脚注引文。但是,如果您切换到,chem-acs则选择生成数字引文的样式。数字样式chem-acs依赖于文档末尾的参考书目,您可以使用 生成参考书目\printbibliography



\usepackage[style=chem-acs, backend=biber]{biblatex}


\null\vfill % ONLY for the example
Lorem \footfullcite{sigfridsson}

Sigfridsson, E.; Ryde, U.计算化学杂志1998, 19, 377–395。
