使用@namedef 存储方程式

使用@namedef 存储方程式

这是此处问题的修改:@namedef 和数学模式

我正在尝试定义一个名为的宏,myLabel该宏 1) 为方程式定义标准标签,2) 保存方程式,以便可以使用第二个名为的宏轻松重新打印displayEquation。 MWE 在这里:


%strip any alignment characters and display as an inline equation
\newcommand{\cleanLabel}[1]{$  \StrSubstitute{#1}{&}{} $ }



Define three equations
  \myLabel{simpleEq}{ f(x) &= 5x  } \\
  \myLabel{harderEq}{ f(x) &= \ln{5x}  } \\
  \myLabel{anothEq}{ \bm{a} &= \ddot{\bm{x}}}   
Equation \ref{simpleEq} has tag simpleEq, and I can display it inline as: \displayEquation{simpleEq}
Equation \ref{harderEq} has tag harderEq,  and I can try to display it inline as: %\displayEquation{harderEq}  %FAILS
Equation \ref{anothEq} has tag anothEq,  and I can try to display it inline as: %\displayEquation{anothEq}   %FAILS



问题是,它\StrSubstitute完全展开了它的参数,这可能不适用于所有内容。下面使用该expl3函数\tl_remove_all:Nn来删除 & 符号。


%strip any alignment characters and display as an inline equation
\tl_new:N \l_jpdomann_tmp_tl
\cs_new_protected:Npn \cleanLabel #1
    \tl_set:Nv \l_jpdomann_tmp_tl { #1 }
    \tl_remove_all:Nn \l_jpdomann_tmp_tl { & }



Define three equations
  \myLabel{simpleEq}{ f(x) &= 5x  } \\
  \myLabel{harderEq}{ f(x) &= \ln{5x}  } \\
  \myLabel{anothEq}{ \bm{a} &= \ddot{\bm{x}}}   
Equation \ref{simpleEq} has tag simpleEq, and I can display it inline as: \displayEquation{simpleEq}
Equation \ref{harderEq} has tag harderEq,  and I can try to display it inline
as: \displayEquation{harderEq}  %FAILS
Equation \ref{anothEq} has tag anothEq,  and I can try to display it inline as: \displayEquation{anothEq}   %FAILS

