我想删除空白页,因为它会干扰我的页码编排。我感觉这可能是由 \nomunit 命令引起的。
%% Nomenclature
% Split nomenclature for symbols and abbreviations
\ifstrequal{#1}{C}{\vspace{3mm}\item[\textbf{\iftoggle{lang_eng}{Roman symbols}{Lateinische Symbole}}]}{
\ifstrequal{#1}{B}{\vspace{3mm}\item[\textbf{\iftoggle{lang_eng}{Greek symbols}{Griechische Symbole}}]}}{
\ifstrequal{#1}{A}{\vspace{3mm}\item[\textbf{\iftoggle{lang_eng}{Abbreviations and acronyms}{Abkürzungen und Akronyme}}]}{}}}
%This is for my units on the right side of the page
\makenomenclature %Generates a %tm.nlo file
\renewcommand*{\chapterpagestyle}{\chapterpagestyleorig} % restore chapter pagestyle for the main content
%% nomenclature
\cleardoublepage % fixes confused odd/even page order
This is the code of my nomenclature file
% Page style
\markboth{\nomname}{\nomname}% maybe with \MakeUppercase
\iftoggle{lang_eng}{}{\renewcommand{\nomname}{Nomenklatur}} % use german name
\printnomenclature[4cm] % There is a bug TeXnicCenter version 2.0 Beta 1. As soon as this line is added to the document the structure pane indicates a missing paragraph. Nevertheless the nomenclature package works correctly.
%% General variables
\nomenclature{$G$}{Gewichtskraft \nomunit{N}}
您有 \newpage,然后当您调用 \mbox{} 时,它会定位到新页面中。之后,当您调用 \printnomenclature 时,它会转到另一页的顶部。也就是说,您拥有的空白页包含 \mbox{}。
因此,如果删除 \mbox{},空白页就会消失。