在 6 月 28 日星期日大规模更新后,miktex 开始出现问题,即 latex 和 pdflatex 都完全崩溃(完全没有交互,没有任何错误迹象)。今天,我尝试重新安装 miktex 两次,情况越来越糟,完全无法使用。任何 latex 运行都以
Sorry, but C:\PROGRA~1\MiKTeX\miktex\bin\x64\latex.exe did not succeed.
The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again:
OxEdit: module reports errors!!!
latex.log says (47mm3.tex is the file, but the crash happens with any file). Aditionally, after a compulsory update upon the installation, the consone update also crashes, returning "Configuration error: no conversion from undefined configuration value to string."
2020-06-30 08:17:16,444+0300 INFO latex - this process (3164) started by 'OxEdit' with command line: C:\PROGRA~1\MiKTeX\miktex\bin\x64\latex.exe 47mm3
2020-06-30 08:17:16,444+0300 INFO latex - allowing known shell commands
2020-06-30 08:17:16,444+0300 INFO latex - enabling input (output) from (to) processes
2020-06-30 08:17:16,629+0300 FATAL latex.core - GUI framework cannot be initialized.
2020-06-30 08:17:16,629+0300 FATAL latex.core - Data:
2020-06-30 08:17:16,629+0300 FATAL latex.core - Source: Libraries\MiKTeX\UI\Qt\mikuiqt.cpp:77
2020-06-30 08:17:16,629+0300 FATAL latex - GUI framework cannot be initialized.
2020-06-30 08:17:16,629+0300 FATAL latex - Info:
2020-06-30 08:17:16,629+0300 FATAL latex - Source: Libraries\MiKTeX\UI\Qt\mikuiqt.cpp
2020-06-30 08:17:16,629+0300 FATAL latex - Line: 77
2020-06-30 08:17:16,629+0300 INFO latex - this process (3164) finishes with exit code 1
2020-06-30 08:17:16,629+0300 WARN miktex.core - still open: 47mm3.tex
2020-06-30 08:17:16,629+0300 WARN miktex.core - still open: 47mm3.log
有什么补救措施吗?我刚刚开始安装 texlive,本来打算花一整天甚至更长时间,但我已经习惯了 miktex...