

我正在写一篇论文,需要在章节中使用首字母缩略词。编译后,章节可以,但目录不行。按照下面的 MWE,第 1.3 节打印1.3 关于 NASA在第 4 页。然而,在目录中,它显示1.3 关于美国国家航空航天局 (NASA),而这应该是1.3 关于 NASA(与第 4 页印刷的内容相同)。同样的问题也发生在 1.7 节之前。


这是一个 MWE:

\documentclass[12pt, openright, twoside, a4paper, chapter=TITLE, english]{memoir}


        colorlinks  = true,
        linkcolor   = blue,
        filecolor   = blue,
        citecolor   = blue,      
        urlcolor    = blue,

    \fancyhf{} %... clears all headers and footers
    \fancyhead[LE, RO]{\thepage} %... left-even right-odd page numbering
    \fancyhead[LO]{\rightmark} %... left-odd page section title
    \fancyhead[RE]{\leftmark} %... right-even page subsection title

\title{An example of use of acronyms}
\author{J. B.}



\chapter{A little bit on space agencies}

\section{Meaning of the acronyms used in this example}
    \acro{CSA}{Canadian Space Agency}
    \acro{ESA}{European Space Agency}
    \acro{ISS}{International Space Station}
    \acro{JAXA}{Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency}
    \acro{NACA}{National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics}
    \acro{NASA}{National Aeronautics and Space Administration}
    \acro{Roscosmos}{Roscosmos State Corporation for Space Activities}

The \ac{ISS} program is a multi-national collaborative project between five participating space agencies: \ac{NASA}, from United States, \ac{Roscosmos}, from Russia, \ac{JAXA}, from Japan, \ac{ESA}, from Europe, and \ac{CSA}, from Canada. The ownership and use of the space station is established by intergovernmental treaties and agreements. It evolved from the Space Station Freedom proposal.
{\tiny\bfseries [Source: Wikipedia]}

\section{About \ac{NASA}}
\ac{NASA} was established in 1958, succeeding the \ac{NACA}. The new agency was to have a distinctly civilian orientation, encouraging peaceful applications in space science. Since its establishment, most US space exploration efforts have been led by \ac{NASA}, including the Apollo Moon landing missions, the Skylab space station, and later the Space Shuttle. \ac{NASA} is supporting the \ac{ISS} and is overseeing the development of the Orion spacecraft, the Space Launch System, and Commercial Crew vehicles. The agency is also responsible for the Launch Services Program, which provides oversight of launch operations and countdown management for uncrewed \ac{NASA} launches.
{\tiny\bfseries [Source: Wikipedia]}

\section{About \ac{ESA}}
\ac{ESA}'s space flight programme includes human spaceflight (mainly through participation in the International Space Station programme); the launch and operation of uncrewed exploration missions to other planets and the Moon; Earth observation, science and telecommunication; designing launch vehicles; and maintaining a major spaceport, the Guiana Space Centre at Kourou, French Guiana. The main European launch vehicle Ariane 5 is operated through Arianespace with \ac{ESA} sharing in the costs of launching and further developing this launch vehicle. The agency is also working with \ac{NASA} to manufacture the Orion Spacecraft service module that will fly on the Space Launch System.
{\tiny\bfseries [Source: Wikipedia]}

\section{About \ac{JAXA}}
The \ac{JAXA} is the Japanese national aerospace and space agency. Through the merger of three previously independent organizations, \ac{JAXA} was formed on 1 October 2003. \ac{JAXA} is responsible for research, technology development and launch of satellites into orbit, and is involved in many more advanced missions such as asteroid exploration and possible human exploration of the Moon. Its motto is One \ac{JAXA} and its corporate slogan is Explore to Realize (formerly Reaching for the skies, exploring space).
{\tiny\bfseries [Source: Wikipedia]}

\section{About \ac{CSA}}
The \ac{CSA} is the national space agency of Canada, established in 1990 by the Canadian Space Agency Act. The agency reports to the federal Minister of Innovation, Science, and Economic Development.
{\tiny\bfseries [Source: Wikipedia]}

The current president is Sylvain Laporte, who took the position March 9, 2015. The \ac{CSA}'s headquarters are located at the John H. Chapman Space Centre in Longueuil, Quebec. The agency also has offices in Ottawa, Ontario, at the David Florida Laboratory, and small liaison offices in Houston; Washington, D.C.; and Paris.
{\tiny\bfseries [Source: Wikipedia]}

\section{About \ac{Roscosmos}}
The \ac{Roscosmos}, is a state corporation responsible for the wide range and types of space flights and cosmonautics programs for the Russian Federation.
{\tiny\bfseries [Source: Wikipedia]}

Originally part of the Federal Space Agency, the corporation evolved and consolidated itself into a national state corporation on 28 December 2015 through a presidential decree. Before 1992, Roscosmos was a part of the Russian Aviation and Space Agency.
{\tiny\bfseries [Source: Wikipedia]}





\section[About \texorpdfstring{NASA}{NASA}]{About \ac{NASA}}


欲了解更多详情,您可以阅读包装说明: https://github.com/oetiker/acronym/blob/master/acronym.dtx

有关 \texorpdfstring 的用法,请参见以下答案: 如何使用 `\texorpdfstring`。字符消失


正如另一个答案中解释的那样,目录中有您的首字母缩略词的第一次出现,因此它们会在那里拼写出来(事实上,首字母缩略词手册对此提出了警告)。一般来说,如果您希望目录中出现不同的内容,那么您可以将不同的内容作为可选参数提供给分段命令。在这种情况下,那就是\section[About NASA]{About \ac{NASA}}。但我们可以做得更好。

除了简单的 之外,acronym 包还提供了几个命令\ac。最相关的是\acs,这意味着您需要缩写的缩写形式(此外,使用大写字母A将尝试将句子开头的任何扩展大写)。我还将考虑在此时将缩写标记为未使用,或者至少\acl在部分中立即使用(如果看到标题为“关于 NASA”的部分从未告诉我 NASA 的含义,我会非常恼火)。前者需要对缩写内部进行一些小的调整。

您可能还想考虑the在完整的首字母缩略词扩展中包含 。首字母缩略词包的要点是您不知道是否\ac{NACA}会扩展,因此the \ac{NACA}最终可能会说the NACA。相反,我会有:

\section{About \acs{NASA}}\acnotused{NASA}
\Ac{NASA} was established in 1958, succeeding \ac{NACA}.







\chapter{A little bit on space agencies}

\section{Meaning of the acronyms used in this example}
    \acro{CSA}{Canadian Space Agency}
    \acro{ESA}{European Space Agency}
    \acro{ISS}{International Space Station}
    \acro{JAXA}{the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency}
    \acro{NACA}{the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics}
    \acro{NASA}{the National Aeronautics and Space Administration}
    \acro{Roscosmos}{Roscosmos State Corporation for Space Activities}

The \ac{ISS} program is a multi-national collaborative project between five participating space agencies: \ac{NASA}, from United States, \ac{Roscosmos}, from Russia, \ac{JAXA}, from Japan, the \ac{ESA}, from Europe, and the \ac{CSA}, from Canada. The ownership and use of the space station is established by intergovernmental treaties and agreements. It evolved from the Space Station Freedom proposal.
{\tiny\bfseries [Source: Wikipedia]}

\section{About \acs{NASA}}\acnotused{NASA}
\Ac{NASA} was established in 1958, succeeding \ac{NACA}. The new agency was to have a distinctly civilian orientation, encouraging peaceful applications in space science. Since its establishment, most US space exploration efforts have been led by \ac{NASA}, including the Apollo Moon landing missions, the Skylab space station, and later the Space Shuttle. \Ac{NASA} is supporting the \ac{ISS} and is overseeing the development of the Orion spacecraft, the Space Launch System, and Commercial Crew vehicles. The agency is also responsible for the Launch Services Program, which provides oversight of launch operations and countdown management for uncrewed \ac{NASA} launches.
{\tiny\bfseries [Source: Wikipedia]}

\section{About \acs{ESA}}\acnotused{ESA}
The \acl{ESA}'s space flight programme includes human spaceflight (mainly through participation in the International Space Station programme); the launch and operation of uncrewed exploration missions to other planets and the Moon; Earth observation, science and telecommunication; designing launch vehicles; and maintaining a major spaceport, the Guiana Space Centre at Kourou, French Guiana. The main European launch vehicle Ariane 5 is operated through Arianespace with the \ac{ESA} sharing in the costs of launching and further developing this launch vehicle. The agency is also working with \ac{NASA} to manufacture the Orion Spacecraft service module that will fly on the Space Launch System.
{\tiny\bfseries [Source: Wikipedia]}

\section{About \acs{JAXA}}\acnotused{JAXA}
\Ac{JAXA} is the Japanese national aerospace and space agency. Through the merger of three previously independent organizations, \ac{JAXA} was formed on 1 October 2003. \Ac{JAXA} is responsible for research, technology development and launch of satellites into orbit, and is involved in many more advanced missions such as asteroid exploration and possible human exploration of the Moon. Its motto is One \ac{JAXA} and its corporate slogan is Explore to Realize (formerly Reaching for the skies, exploring space).
{\tiny\bfseries [Source: Wikipedia]}

\section{About \acs{CSA}}\acnotused{CSA}
The \ac{CSA} is the national space agency of Canada, established in 1990 by the Canadian Space Agency Act. The agency reports to the federal Minister of Innovation, Science, and Economic Development.
{\tiny\bfseries [Source: Wikipedia]}

The current president is Sylvain Laporte, who took the position March 9, 2015. The \ac{CSA}'s headquarters are located at the John H. Chapman Space Centre in Longueuil, Quebec. The agency also has offices in Ottawa, Ontario, at the David Florida Laboratory, and small liaison offices in Houston; Washington, D.C.; and Paris.
{\tiny\bfseries [Source: Wikipedia]}

\section{About \acs{Roscosmos}}\acnotused{Roscosmos}
\Ac{Roscosmos} is a state corporation responsible for the wide range and types of space flights and cosmonautics programs for the Russian Federation.
{\tiny\bfseries [Source: Wikipedia]}

Originally part of the Federal Space Agency, the corporation evolved and consolidated itself into a national state corporation on 28 December 2015 through a presidential decree. Before 1992, \ac{Roscosmos} was a part of the Russian Aviation and Space Agency.
{\tiny\bfseries [Source: Wikipedia]}

