

我正在尝试制作如下表格: 在此处输入图片描述


\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}



\multirow{3}{4em}{\center{Time elapsed (s) $\pm$1s}} & \multicolumn{9}{|c|}{Volume of gas produced (cm$^3$) $\pm$1cm$^3$}\\\cline{2-10}
& \multicolumn{3}{|P{9em}|}{0.42mol/dm$^3$ C$_2$H$_4$O$_2$ and 0.4mol/dm$^3$ of NaHCO3} & \multicolumn{3}{|P{9em}|}{0.42mol/dm$^3$ C$_2$H$_4$O$_2$ and 0.4mol/dm$^3$ of NaHCO3} & \multicolumn{3}{|P{9em}|}{0.84mol/dm$^3$ C$_2$H$_4$O$_2$ and 0.8mol/dm$^3$ of NaHCO$_3$}\\\cline{2-10}
& Trial 1 & Trial 2 & Trial 3 & Trial 1 & Trial 2 & Trial 3 & Trial 1 & Trial 2 & Trial 3\\
0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\
15 & 20 & 22 & 18 & 25 & 15 & 17 & 5 & 5 & 6\\
30& 27& 29& 25& 31& 25& 22& 8&  8&  8\\
45& 32& 33& 29& 35& 32& 28& 10& 11& 11\\
60& 35& 36& 33& 38& 38& 34& 12& 13  12\\






  • 它不完整(缺少“\begin{tabular}
  • 表格太大,无法容纳文本宽度(在下面的 MWE 中增加了文本宽度并减小了字体大小)
  • 对于化学公式来说,使用这个mhchem包是明智的
  • 对于带有数字的单位和列,使用该siunitx包很方便
\usepackage[a4paper, margin=25mm]{geometry}
\usepackage{makecell, multirow, tabularx}
%---------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!

\caption{My wide table}
\multicolumn{1}{|X|}{{\multirow{5}{=}{\centering Time elapsed\\ \si{s \pm 1 s}}}}
    & \mcc[9]{Volume of gas produced (\si{cm^3 \pm 1cm^3})}  \\
    & \mcc[3]{\makecell{\SI{0.42}{mol/dm^3} \ce{C2H4O2} and\\ \SI{0.4}{mol/dm^3} of \ce{NaHCO3}}}
        & \mcc[3]{\makecell{\SI{0.42}{mol/dm^3} \ce{C2H4O2} and\\ \SI{0.4}{mol/dm^3} of \ce{NaHCO3}}}
            & \mcc[3]{\makecell{\SI{0.84}{mol/dm^3} \ce{C2H4O2} and\\ \SI{0.8}{mol/dm^3} of \ce{NaHCO3}}}\\
    & \mcx{Trial 1} 
        & \mcx{Trial 2}
            & \mcx{Trial 3}
                    & \mcx{Trial 1}
                        & \mcx{Trial 2}
                            & \mcx{Trial 3}
                                    & \mcx{Trial 1}
                                        & \mcx{Trial 2}
                                            & \mcx{Trial 3}     \\
 0  & 0     & 0     & 0     & 0     & 0     & 0     & 0     & 0     & 0\\
15  & 20    & 22    & 18    & 25    & 15    & 17    & 5     & 5     & 6\\ 
30  & 27    & 29    & 25    & 31    & 25    & 22    & 8     & 8     & 8\\
45  & 32    & 33    & 29    & 35    & 32    & 28    & 10    & 11    & 11\\
60  & 35    & 36    & 33    & 38    & 38    & 34    & 12    & 13    & 12\\




以下是 Zarko 答案的变体。除了{tabularx},您还可以{NiceTabular}使用nicematrix



\usepackage[a4paper, margin=25mm]{geometry}



\caption{My wide table}



% We compute the width of the columns to fit in \textwidth

\begin{NiceTabular}{*{10}{S[table-format=2.0]}}[hvlines,columns-width = \colwidth]
\Block{3-1}{Time\\ elapsed\\ \unit{s} $\pm$ \qty{1}{s}}
    & \Block{1-9}{Volume of gas produced (\unit{cm^3} $\pm$ \qty{1}{cm^3})}  \\
        & \Block{1-3}{\qty{0.42}{mol/dm^3} \ce{C2H4O2} and\\ \qty{0.4}{mol/dm^3} of \ce{NaHCO3}} &&
            & \Block{1-3}{\qty{0.42}{mol/dm^3} \ce{C2H4O2} and\\ \qty{0.4}{mol/dm^3} of \ce{NaHCO3}} &&
                 & \Block{1-3}{\qty{0.84}{mol/dm^3} \ce{C2H4O2} and\\ \qty{0.8}{mol/dm^3} of \ce{NaHCO3}} \\
    & {Trial 1} 
        & {Trial 2}
            & {Trial 3}
                 & {Trial 1}
                      & {Trial 2}
                           & {Trial 3}
                                & {Trial 1}
                                     & {Trial 2}
                                          & {Trial 3}     \\
 0  & 0     & 0     & 0     & 0     & 0     & 0     & 0     & 0     & 0\\
15  & 20    & 22    & 18    & 25    & 15    & 17    & 5     & 5     & 6\\ 
30  & 27    & 29    & 25    & 31    & 25    & 22    & 8     & 8     & 8\\
45  & 32    & 33    & 29    & 35    & 32    & 28    & 10    & 11    & 11\\
60  & 35    & 36    & 33    & 38    & 38    & 34    & 12    & 13    & 12\\



如果你坚持使用垂直和水平规则、垂直和水平跨越单元格等,你应该看看这个包卡路里. 设置起来非常简单。

此外,我还使用了KOMA 脚本类,因为它具有合理的边距和更改标题的内部命令。


\captionaboveof{table}{My wide table\label{tab:wide}} 

以获得正确格式的标题。-\label命令位于 caption 命令内部,因此不会丢失。



\documentclass[british, DIV=12, captions=tableheading]{scrartcl}
\usepackage{cals, url}

\let\nc=\nullcell                                                  % Shortcuts





\captionaboveof{table}{My wide table\label{tab:wide}}

% Defining columns relative to each other and relative to the margins
% The tabular fills the text area if sum of all columns is 10

% Set up the tabular
\def\cals@framers@width{0.8pt}   % Outside frame rules, reduce if the rule is too heavy
\def\cals@cs@width{0.4pt}             % Inside rules, reduce if the rule is too heavy


% R1H1
\thead{\sffamily\small%           The first 3 rows are heading and vill be repeated on every page
    \nc{rtb}\alignC\sc{Volume of gas produced (\si{cm^3 \pm 1cm^3})}
    \nc{rtb}\sc{\SI{0.42}{mol/dm^3} \ce{C2H4O2} and \SI{0.4}{mol/dm^3} of \ce{NaHCO3}}
    \nc{rtb}\sc{\SI{0.42}{mol/dm^3} \ce{C2H4O2} and\\ \SI{0.4}{mol/dm^3} of \ce{NaHCO3}}
    \nc{rtb}\sc{\SI{0.84}{mol/dm^3} \ce{C2H4O2} and\\ \SI{0.8}{mol/dm^3} of \ce{NaHCO3}}
    \nc{lrb}\alignC\sc{\vfil Time elapsed \si{s \pm 1 s}}
    \bfseries\cell{Trial 1}
    \cell{Trial 2}
    \cell{Trial 3}
    \cell{Trial 1}
    \cell{Trial 2}
    \cell{Trial 3}
    \cell{Trial 1}
    \cell{Trial 2}
    \cell{Trial 3}\normalfont



