在 Beamer Notes 上添加演示文稿幻灯片编号

在 Beamer Notes 上添加演示文稿幻灯片编号

我想在 beamer note 幻灯片中包含演示幻灯片的编号,这样如果我决定分别生成幻灯片和笔记,我就可以有一个参考。

在下面的 MWE 中,我有三种不同类型的幻灯片:一种有多个注释页,一种没有注释,一种只有一个注释页。是否可以添加这些注释所在的演示文稿幻灯片的编号?可能像主幻灯片一样在右下角吗?

如果我使用 生成仅包含注释的 PDF \setbeameroption{show only notes},我将不知道每个注释对应的演示幻灯片是什么。当幻灯片包含多个注释页或没有注释时,这一点就变得更加重要,因为演示幻灯片和注释幻灯片之间的映射不是一一对应的。


\setbeameroption{show notes on second screen=right}
% Repeat slide title
\setbeamertemplate{note page}{%

\begin{frame}{Slide with several note pages}
        \item There are too many things to say in this slide
        \item That is why I need several pages for notes
    % Notes
    \note<1>{Hello from note 1}
    \note<2>{Hello from note 2}

\begin{frame}{Slide without notes}
        \item No notes in this slide

\begin{frame}{Slide with only one note page}
        \item Just one note here
        \item And that's all
    % Notes
    \note{Hello from note 1}


好吧,回答我自己的问题有点奇怪,但我现在有一个解决方案。它结合使用了提供的 beamer\AtEndNote\footlineextra此处建议的命令:https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/5558/77059来自@LJN。我改变了对齐方式并使用了 beamer 命令\insertframenumber


\author{A. Author}
\title{The Presentation}

% Provides the footlineextra command
    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
        \node[yshift=1ex,anchor=south east] at (current page.south east) {\usebeamerfont{author in head/foot}#1};

% Notes
\setbeameroption{show notes on second screen=right} % Both
% Coloring note-pages
\setbeamertemplate{note page}{\pagecolor{yellow!15}\insertnote}
% Note-pages title
\AtBeginNote{\vspace{0.325cm}{\usebeamerfont{frametitle}\usebeamercolor[fg]{frametitle}\insertframetitle} \par}
% Note-pages footer
\AtEndNote{\footlineextra{\usebeamercolor[fg]{frametitle}Slide \insertframenumber}}

\begin{frame}{Slide with several note pages}
        \item There are too many things to say in this slide
        \item That is why I need several pages for notes
    % Notes
    \note<1>{Hello from note 1}
    \note<2>{Hello from note 2}

\begin{frame}{Slide without notes}
        \item No notes in this slide

\begin{frame}{Slide with only one note page}
        \item Just one note here
        \item And that's all
    % Notes
    \note{Hello from note 1}


