\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=black}
\textcolor{white}{black} **here it changes only the text color**
\setbeamertemplate{background canvas}{}
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=red}
\begin{frame}{Test 2 }
Test ** nothing changes from a standard slide **
Beamer 主题focus
以 颜色 绘制背景normal text.bg
,因此您对 颜色 的更改background canvas.bg
不会产生任何效果。在下面的示例中,使用的颜色更改为background canvas.bg
% redefine beamer template "background canvas" with option "focus"
% originally defined in beamerouterthemefocus.sty
\expandafter\let\csname beamer@@tmpop@background canvas@focus\endcsname\relax
\defbeamertemplate{background canvas}{focus}{%
\clip (0,0) rectangle ++(\paperwidth,\paperheight);
% use color "background cavas.bg" instead of "normal text.bg"
\fill[background canvas.bg] (0,0) rectangle ++(\paperwidth,\paperheight);
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=black}
\textcolor{white}{black} **here it changes only the text color**
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=red}
\begin{frame}{Test 2 }
Test ** nothing changes from a standard slide **