我想要在点 A 和 B 处画一条圆弧,在点 D 处画两条相交的圆弧作为两条平行线

我想要在点 A 和 B 处画一条圆弧,在点 D 处画两条相交的圆弧作为两条平行线

%Definindo os vertices
%%The best way to define Axis is using polar notation:
\tkzDefPoint(0,0){A} %The reference point
\tkzDefShiftPoint[A](0:5){B}% POINT B 
\tkzDefShiftPoint[A](40:4){C} %POIN D

%%Find point C colinear at D from AB
\tkzDefPointWith[colinear= at C](A,B) \tkzGetPoint{D} 

\tkzDefPointWith[colinear= at D](C,B) \tkzGetPoint{E} 

{%style only afects commands inside {}
    \tikzset{line style/.append style={},>={Stealth[scale=2.2,inset=0pt,angle'=20]}} 
        \tkzDrawLine[add=40pt and 40pt](A,B)
        \tkzDrawLine[add=40pt and 40pt](D,C)

\tkzLabelPoints[color=blue,below=5pt,inner sep=0](A,B,C,D)





\draw (D) arc (0:30:2);
\draw (D) arc (0:-30:2);

\draw (D) arc (-30:0:2);
\draw (D) arc (-30:-60:2);

\draw ($(B)$) arc  (0:180:2.5);

tikz 中 arc 的两种可能解决方案



%Definindo os vertices
%%The best way to define Axis is using polar notation:
\tkzDefPoint(0,0){A} %The reference point
\tkzDefShiftPoint[A](0:5){B}% POINT B 
\tkzDefShiftPoint[A](40:4){C} %POIN D

%%Find point C colinear at D from AB
\tkzDefPointWith[colinear= at C](A,B) \tkzGetPoint{D} 

\tkzDefPointWith[colinear= at D](C,B) \tkzGetPoint{E} 

{%style only afects commands inside {}
    \tikzset{line style/.append style={},>={Stealth[scale=2.2,inset=0pt,angle'=20]}} 
        \tkzDrawLine[add=40pt and 40pt](A,B)
        \tkzDrawLine[add=40pt and 40pt](D,C)

\tkzLabelPoints[color=blue,below=5pt,inner sep=0](A,B,C,D)



