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  \newcommand{\Risk}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape Risk}}\nolimits}
  \newcommand{\CEOPC}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape CEO\_PC}}\nolimits}
  \newcommand{\Boardind}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape Board\_ind}}\nolimits}
  \newcommand{\OP}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape OP}}\nolimits}
  \newcommand{\OF}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape OF}}\nolimits}
  \newcommand{\Zscore}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape Z\_Score}}\nolimits}
  \newcommand{\NPLs}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape NPLs}}\nolimits}
 \newcommand{\NPL}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape NPL}}\nolimits}
 \newcommand{\LnZ}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape Ln\_Z}}\nolimits}
 \newcommand{\LnZscore}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape LnZ\_score}}\nolimits}
\newcommand{\LTS}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape LTS}}\nolimits}
\newcommand{\EA}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape EA}}\nolimits}
\newcommand{\LT}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape LT}}\nolimits}
\newcommand{\PF}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape PF}}\nolimits}
\newcommand{\EF}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape EF}}\nolimits}
\newcommand{\LV}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape LV}}\nolimits}
\newcommand{\LGI}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape LGI}}\nolimits}
 \newcommand{\AGI}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape AGI}}\nolimits}
\newcommand{\DD}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape DD}}\nolimits}


\\ we use the following model

   \Risk_{i,t} = c + &\alpha \Risk_{i,t-1} + \beta_{1}\CEOPC_{i,t} + \beta_{2}\Boardind_{i,t} + 

\\ \Cref{tab2} presents the regression results :

             table-space-text-pre =(, 
    \thead{Variable} & {\thead{\NPLs}} & {\thead{\LnZscore}} \\
  \multirow{2}[1]{*}{Constant} & -0.1064\tc{***} & 5.0727\tc{***} \\
  \multicolumn{1}{c}{}         & {(}-3.42{)} & {(}5.35{)} \\    
   \multirow{2}[0]{*}{$\NPL$_{i,t-1}$$} & 0.021\tc{***}   & \\
   \multicolumn{1}{c}{}              & {(}5.73{)}  & \\
   \multirow{2}[1]{*}{$\LnZ$_{it-1}$$} &     &  0.1452\tc{***} \\
   \multicolumn{1}{c}{}               &     & {(}5.83{)} \\
   \multirow{2}[1]{*}{$\CEOPC$_{it}$$} & 6.4521\tc{***}   & 0.0124 \\
    \multicolumn{1}{c}{}                 & {(}11.14{)} & {(}1.12{)} \\  
   \multirow{2}[1]{*}{$\Boardind$} & -0.1452\tc{**}    & -0.1245\tc{***}  \\
   \multicolumn{1}{c}{}             & {(}-2.11{)} & {(}-8.25{)} \\              
\multirow{2}[1]{*}{$\OF$} & -0.0103\tc{***}  & 0.0345\tc{**} \\
\multicolumn{1}{c}{}         & {(}-2.45{)} & {(}2.33{)} \\              
  \multirow{2}[1]{*}{$\OP$} & -0.1445\tc{*}    & 0.1478\tc{*} \\
  \multicolumn{1}{c}{}         & {(}-1.91{)} & {(}1.90{)} \\            
   \multirow{2}[1]{*}{$\LTS$} & 0.1019\tc{**}    &-0.2645\tc{***} \\
   \multicolumn{1}{c}{}     & {(}2.45{)} & {(}-3.47{)} \\       
  \multirow{2}[1]{*}{$\EA$} & 0.2114 & 0.4789 \\
   \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & {(}1.03{)} & {(}0.10{)} \\                
  \multirow{2}[1]{*}{$\LT$} & -0.1478\tc{*} & -0.2010\\
   \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & {(}-0.45{)} & {(}-0.14{)} \\
  \multirow{2}[1]{*}{$\PF$} & -0.5240\tc{*} & -0.0520 \\
  \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & {(}-3.06{)} & {(}-1.24{)} \\                   
  \multirow{2}[1]{*}{$\EF$} & 0.0120 & -1.2322\tc{***} \\
   \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & {(}4.20{)} & {(}-2.20{)} \\
  \multirow{2}[1]{*}{$\LV$} & -0.1478\tc{***} &  \\
  \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & {(}-11.02{)} &  \\ 
   \multirow{2}[1]{*}{$\LGI$} & 0.1247 &  \\
   \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & {(}0.2010{)} &  \\    
  \multirow{2}[1]{*}{$\AGI$} &  & 0.0012\tc{***} \\
  \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & & {(}0.1478{)} \\  
  \multirow{2}[1]{*}{$\DD$} &  & 0.14789 \\
  \multicolumn{1}{c}{} &  & {(}0.01236{)} \\    
    Year dummy & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Yes} \\
       \multirow{2}[1]{*}{R$^2$} &   -1.156 &  -2.452 \\
    \multirow{2}[1]{*}{Adjusted R$^2$} &   0.652 & 1.562 \\
    \multirow{2}[1]{*}{Sargan test} & 12.02\tc{***} &41.02\tc{***} \\
   \item\hspace{-2.5pt}\noindent\textit{Note:} This table reports SGMM estimation results of $\label{eq:1}$ where non-performing loans to total loans (\NPL), and Z-score (\LnZ) are the endogenous variables for bank $i$ and year $t$. The $\NPL$_{i,t-1}$ and $\LnZ$_{it-1}$ are lagged dependent variables. $\OP$ and $\OF$ is the independent PRIVATE (DUMMY), FOREIGN (DUMMY), passive shareholding (\PF), minority active shareholding (\EF) and active shareholding (\LTS) are the main explanatory ownership variables. Bank size (\LTS), corporate governance (\EA), financial leverage (\LT) are bank level control variables; and growth of product (\LGI), rate of inflation (\AGI) are two macro-economic control variables. T-statistics are between parentheses; \enspace *** $p < 0.01$; \enspace ** $p < 0.05$;\enspace * $p < 0.10$. The Sargan test justifies the validity of the over identifying restrictions.



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\newcommand{\Risk}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape Risk}}\nolimits}
\newcommand{\CEOPC}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape CEO\_PC}}\nolimits}
\newcommand{\Boardind}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape Board\_ind}}\nolimits}
\newcommand{\OP}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape OP}}\nolimits}
\newcommand{\OF}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape OF}}\nolimits}
\newcommand{\Zscore}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape Z\_Score}}\nolimits}
\newcommand{\NPLs}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape NPLs}}\nolimits}
\newcommand{\NPL}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape NPL}}\nolimits}
\newcommand{\LnZ}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape Ln\_Z}}\nolimits}
\newcommand{\LnZscore}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape LnZ\_score}}\nolimits}
\newcommand{\LTS}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape LTS}}\nolimits}
\newcommand{\EA}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape EA}}\nolimits}
\newcommand{\LT}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape LT}}\nolimits}
\newcommand{\PF}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape PF}}\nolimits}
\newcommand{\EF}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape EF}}\nolimits}
\newcommand{\LV}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape LV}}\nolimits}
\newcommand{\LGI}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape LGI}}\nolimits}
\newcommand{\AGI}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape AGI}}\nolimits}
\newcommand{\DD}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape DD}}\nolimits}

\newcommand{\Controls}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape Controls}}\nolimits}


we use the following model

   \Risk_{i,t} = c + \alpha \Risk_{i,t-1} + \beta_{1}\CEOPC_{i,t} + \beta_{2}\Boardind_{i,t} + 

\Cref{tab2} presents the regression results :

\sisetup{table-format=-2.5,  % corrected values with respect to the numbers in your table
         table-space-text-pre =(, 
\thead{Variable} & {\thead{$\NPLs$}} & {\thead{$\LnZscore$}} \\
\multirow{2}[1]{*}{Constant}       & -0.1064\tc{***} & 5.0727\tc{***} \\
                                   & {(}-3.42{)}     & {(}5.35{)} \\    
\multirow{2}[0]{*}{$\NPL_{i,t-1}$} & 0.021\tc{***}   & \\
                                   & {(}5.73{)}      & \\
\multirow{2}[1]{*}{$\LnZ_{it-1}$}  &                 &  0.1452\tc{***} \\
                                   &                 & {(}5.83{)} \\
\multirow{2}[1]{*}{$\CEOPC_{it}$}  & 6.4521\tc{***}  & 0.0124 \\
                                   & {(}11.14{)}     & {(}1.12{)} \\  
\multirow{2}[1]{*}{$\Boardind$}    & -0.1452\tc{**}  & -0.1245\tc{***}  \\
                                   & {(}-2.11{)}     & {(}-8.25{)} \\              
\multirow{2}[1]{*}{$\OF$}          & -0.0103\tc{***} & 0.0345\tc{**} \\
                                   & {(}-2.45{)}     & {(}2.33{)} \\              
\multirow{2}[1]{*}{$\OP$}          & -0.1445\tc{*}   & 0.1478\tc{*} \\
                                   & {(}-1.91{)}     & {(}1.90{)} \\            
\multirow{2}[1]{*}{$\LTS$}         & 0.1019\tc{**}   &-0.2645\tc{***} \\
                                   & {(}2.45{)}      & {(}-3.47{)} \\       
\multirow{2}[1]{*}{$\EA$}          & 0.2114          & 0.4789 \\
                                   & {(}1.03{)}      & {(}0.10{)} \\                
\multirow{2}[1]{*}{$\LT$}          & -0.1478\tc{*}   & -0.2010\\
                                   & {(}-0.45{)}     & {(}-0.14{)} \\
\multirow{2}[1]{*}{$\PF$}          & -0.5240\tc{*}   & -0.0520 \\
                                   & {(}-3.06{)}     & {(}-1.24{)} \\                   
\multirow{2}[1]{*}{$\EF$}          & 0.0120          & -1.2322\tc{***} \\
                                   & {(}4.20{)}      & {(}-2.20{)} \\
\multirow{2}[1]{*}{$\LV$}          & -0.1478\tc{***} &  \\
                                   & {(}-11.02{)}    &  \\ 
\multirow{2}[1]{*}{$\LGI$}         & 0.1247          &  \\
                                   & {(}0.2010{)}    &  \\    
\multirow{2}[1]{*}{$\AGI$}         &                 & 0.0012\tc{***} \\
                                   &                 & {(}0.1478{)} \\  
\multirow{2}[1]{*}{$\DD$}          &                 & 0.14789 \\
                                   &                 & {(}0.01236{)} \\    
Year dummy                         & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Yes} \\
R$^2$                              &   -1.156        &  -2.452 \\
Adjusted R$^2$                     &   0.652         & 1.562 \\
Sargan test                        & 12.02\tc{***}   & 41.02\tc{***} \\

\textit{Note:} This table reports SGMM estimation results of \cref{eq:1} where non-performing loans to total loans ($\NPL$), and Z-score ($\LnZ$) are the endogenous variables for bank $i$ and year $t$. The $\NPL_{i,t-1}$ and $\LnZ_{it-1}$ are lagged dependent variables. $\OP$ and $\OF$ is the independent PRIVATE (DUMMY), FOREIGN (DUMMY), passive shareholding ($\PF$), minority active shareholding ($\EF$) and active shareholding ($\LTS$) are the main explanatory ownership variables. Bank size ($\LTS$), corporate governance ($\EA$), financial leverage ($\LT$) are bank level control variables; and growth of product ($\LGI$), rate of inflation ($\AGI$) are two macro-economic control variables. T-statistics are between parentheses; \enspace *** $p < 0.01$; \enspace ** $p < 0.05$;\enspace * $p < 0.10$. The Sargan test justifies the validity of the over identifying restrictions.
