\author{spanos.nikolaos }
\date{July 2020}
\item genom-scores.csv: The tag genome is a data structure that contains tag relevance scores for movies.
Τhe tag genome encodes how strongly movies exhibit particular properties represented by tags (atmospheric, thought-provoking, realistic, etc.).
This file although downloaded was not used.
\item genom-tags.csv: The tag descriptions for the tag IDs in the genome file. Same as above, the file was not used further in our research.
\item links.csv: Identifiers that can be used to link to other sources of movie data are contained in the file links.csv.
Τhe number of misclassifications over the total number of predicted values. The zero-one loss is either served as a fraction, either as an integer number. The zero-one loss considers the entire set of labels for a given sample incorrect if it does not entirely match the true set of labels. Hamming loss is more forgiving in that it penalizes only the individual labels.
The calculation formula to compute the zero-one loss is similar to the one used for computing the Hamming loss. However, as already mentioned, in multi-classification experiments, the zero-one loss is more strict in calculating the miss-classification as the entire array of predicted values should exactly match the array of the true values. Hamming loss is illustrated as fraction and zero-one loss as an integer number.\newline\newline
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