

我正在编写一份文档,该文档以枚举列表的形式列出操作和预期结果。有些操作值得注意,有些结果也值得注意。我希望列出值得注意的操作和结果的标签,其中值得注意的程度由定义操作和结果时使用的带星号的操作/结果宏来确定,以避免手动排版。当前 MWE:


\setlist[actions, 1]{label=A\arabic*}
\setlist[checks, 1]{label=R\arabic*}

\NewDocumentCommand{\action}{s m}{\IfBooleanTF #1 {\item\emph{#2}}{\item #2}}
\NewDocumentCommand{\result}{s m}{\IfBooleanTF #1 {\item\emph{#2}}{\item #2}}


\subsection{First of many}

Special actions: \textbf{A2}.\\
Special results: \textbf{A1R2, A3R2}. 

 \action{Make list references to `special' items automatically.}
  \result{First attempt fails}
  \result*{All other attempts fail}
 \action*{Turn to google\ldots}
  \result{Still fails, can't find the right search terms}
 \action{Post a MWE to \TeX{} SE.}
  \result{Someone produces automagic? There's a package for that\ldots}
  \result*{Re-write the original document. Again.}
  \result{Job done}

生成内容(粗体文本自动生成): 输出

这里最好的方法是什么?我目前的失败包括生成标签并生成标签列表、使用 imakeidx 以及将 enumi/enumii 列表维护为文本。

一个复杂的问题是,该文件将包含许多这样的部分(约 50 个),每个小节应该只列出它自己值得注意的项目。


这是一个原型。其想法是将特殊操作和结果保存到 LaTeX3 序列中\g_actions_seq,并且\g_results_seq每次开始一个子部分时,这些操作和结果都会aux以以下形式的条目形式保存到文件中


aux读入文件时,\SetActionResult命令会将数据存储到两个属性列表中,\g_special_actions_prop用于\g_special_results_prop操作和结果。在每个小节的开头,如果属性列表包含当前小节的键,则会自动打印此信息。有了这个,您的 MWE 会生成:





\setlist[actions, 1]{label=A\arabic*}
\setlist[checks, 1]{label=R\arabic*}

\prop_new:N \g_special_actions_prop
\prop_new:N \g_special_results_prop
\seq_new:N \g_actions_seq
\seq_new:N \g_results_seq

\NewDocumentCommand\action{ sm }
    { \emph{#2}\seq_gput_right:Nx \g_actions_seq {\theactionsi} }
    { #2 }

\NewDocumentCommand\result{ sm }
    { \emph{#2}
      \seq_gput_right:Nx \g_results_seq {\theactionsi\thechecksi} }
    { #2 }

   \prop_gput:cnn {g_special_#1_prop} {#2} {#3} 

  % save special actions and results to the aux file
  \seq_if_empty:NF \g_actions_seq
    \iow_now:cx { @auxout }
      \token_to_str:N\SetActionResult {actions} 
        { \thesubsection }{\seq_use:Nn \g_actions_seq {,~}}
    \seq_gclear:N \g_actions_seq
  \seq_if_empty:NF \g_results_seq
    \iow_now:cx { @auxout }
      \token_to_str:N\SetActionResult {results} 
         { \thesubsection }{\seq_use:Nn \g_results_seq {,~}}
    \seq_gclear:N \g_results_seq

\NewDocumentCommand\Subsection{ m }
  \subsection{ #1 }
  % print all known special results and actions
  \prop_if_in:NxT \g_special_actions_prop {\thesubsection} {
    \prop_get:NxN \g_special_actions_prop {\thesubsection} \l_tmpa_tl
    \noindent Special~actions:~\tl_use:N \l_tmpa_tl.
  \prop_if_in:NxT \g_special_results_prop {\thesubsection} {
    \prop_get:NxN \g_special_results_prop {\thesubsection} \l_tmpa_tl
    \noindent Special~results:~\tl_use:N \l_tmpa_tl.
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \prop_if_in:NnT {NxT}
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \prop_get:NnN {NxN}


\Subsection{First of many}

Special actions: \textbf{A2}.\\
Special results: \textbf{A1R2, A3R2}.

 \action{Make list references to `special' items automatically.}
  \result{First attempt fails}
  \result*{All other attempts fail}
 \action*{Turn to google\ldots}
  \result{Still fails, can't find the right search terms}
 \action{Post a MWE to \TeX{} SE.}
  \result{Someone produces automagic? There's a package for that\ldots}
  \result*{Re-write the original document. Again.}
  \result{Job done}

% save the data from the last subsection


LaTeX3 需要一点时间来适应,但一段时间后你就会喜欢上它,因为它非常强大。我发现了解它的最佳方式是输入texdoc interface3



然后,您可以使用 datatool-macros 来迭代数据库并“过滤”条目以“吐出”所需的列表。


写入一个数据库。LaTeX 运行结束时,该数据库将保存到外部文件中。该数据库名为specialthingsinterim

另一个数据库源自上一次 LaTeX 运行/来自上一次 LaTeX 运行中保存的外部文件,用于迭代和打印列表等。该数据库名为specialthings




      % This will save the interim-database to file with
      % the last \shipout. The last \shipout is triggered
      % by \end{document}/\enddocument.
      % Check if content of database-token-register stemming from
      % database-file of previous LaTeX-run differs from content of
      % database-token-register stemming from database-file of 
      % the current LaTeX-run.
      % If so, something changed and you need to re-run LaTeX.
      % Probably this should be omitted with large databases.
      \edef\tempa{\the\csname dtldb@#1\endcsname}%
      \edef\tempb{\the\csname dtldb@#1interim\endcsname}%
           Database `#1' may have changed.
           Rerun to get listings of entries etc right%


        \xdef\ListOfSpecialThingsSeparator{, }%

\setlist[actions, 1]{label=A\arabic*, before*={\def\previouscurrentlabel{}}}
\setlist[checks, 1]{label=R\arabic*,  before*={\let\previouscurrentlabel=\@currentlabel}}





\subsection{First of many}

Special actions: \ListOfSpecialActions.\\
Special results: \ListOfSpecialChecks. 

 \action{Make list references to `special' items automatically.}
  \result{First attempt fails}
  \result*{All other attempts fail}
 \action*{Turn to google\ldots}
  \result{Still fails, can't find the right search terms}
 \action{Post a MWE to \TeX{} SE.}
  \result{Someone produces automagic? There's a package for that\ldots}
  \result*{Re-write the original document. Again.}
  \result{Job done}

\subsection{Second of many}

Special actions: \ListOfSpecialActions.\\
Special results: \ListOfSpecialChecks. 

 \action*{Make list references to `special' items automatically.}
  \result{First attempt fails}
  \result{Second attempt fails}
  \result{Third attempt fails}
  \result*{All other attempts fail}
 \action{Turn to google\ldots}
  \result*{Still fails, can't find the right search terms}
 \action*{Post a MWE to \TeX{} SE.}
  \result{Someone produces automagic? There's a package for that\ldots}
  \result{Re-write the original document. Again.}
  \result*{Job done}


