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\title[PDWP]{Provincial Development Working Party}
\author{Engineer Muhammad Imran} % Your name
\institute[Chief P.B] % Your institution as it will appear on the bottom of every slide, may be shorthand to save space
{\color{darkgreen}{\large{ Public Building Sector \\\medskip
P \& D Board, Lahore}} \\ % Your institution for the title page
\textit{[email protected]} % Your email address
\date{\today} % Date, can be changed to a custom date
\titlepage % Print the title page as the first slide
\frametitle{ Contents}
\begin{frame}{A Bird's Eye View}
\textbf{ Name of Scheme} & Construction Of Police Training
School, Rawat, District Rawalpindi.\\\hline
\textbf{Location} & Rawalpindi\\\hline
\textbf{ Sponsoring Agency} & Police Department, Government of Punjab\\\hline
\textbf{Executing Agency} & C \& W Department Government of Punjab\\\hline
\textbf{ Cost} & \begin{itemize} \item Original: Rs.602.590 Million \item 1st revised : Rs.671.346 Million \item 2nd Revised: Rs.721.813 Million\end{itemize}\\\hline
\textbf{Upto Date Expenditure} & Rs.424.60 Million\\\hline
\textbf{ Implementation Period} & 57 Months (Till June 2021)\\\hline
\textbf{Source of Funding} &\begin{itemize}\item ADP 2020-21at G.S: 3289 \item Allocation: Rs.10.00 Million\end{itemize}\\\hline
\begin{frame}{Project Description}
PTSR Rawalpindi was established on 1st July, 1986 and up-graded to the status of Police Training School in July 2002. \end{block}
\begin{block}{ii} This training institution was shifted to the premises of Punjab Constabulary Battalion No. 2 Rawat in 04 barracks comprising 48 rooms / dormitories temporarily. Presently, the barracks are being used as class rooms.\end{block}
\begin{block}{iii} With the passage of time, intake of trainees of various courses is increasing and the existing class rooms were in-sufficient to cater the imminent requirements. \end{block}
\begin{frame}{Project Description}
Accordingly, scheme for construction of Police Training School, Rawat, Rawalpindi was approved for Rs 602.590 million.
The Sponsors submitted 1st revised PC-1 at a cost of Rs. 671.346 million
Now, the Sponsors has submitted 2nd revised PC-1 at a cost of Rs. 721.813 million for consideration of PDWP.
\begin{frame}{Reasons of Revision}
\item The scheme was split into 19 groups. However, 4 groups remained un-allotted.
\item New MRS rates for un-allotted civil works.
\item Rs 7.448 million for Price variation for Group-1 () as per clause 55 of contract agreement.
\item Rs. 8.654 Million of 5\% PST in revised cost estimate.
\item Rs.5.228 million for payment of outstanding amount of price variation under writ petition filed by contractor in Lahore High Court, Rawalpindi Bench, Rawalpindi.
\begin{frame}{Project Scope}
\begin{block}{Construction of Three Storey Building for Police Training School:52392 sq ft }
\begin{block}{Construction of three storey Hostels / Barracks:202948 sq ft}
\begin{block}{Construction of two storey hostel for 150 law \& drill staff:22742 sq ft }
\begin{block}{Construction of Administration Block:5433 sq ft}
\begin{frame}{Project Scope Continued...}
\begin{block}{Construction of Principal Office: 5400 sq ft}
\begin{block}{Construction of two storey Dining hall for male trainees: 960 sq ft}
\begin{block}{Construction of shops and canteen:3175 sq ft}
\begin{block}{Construction of Dispensary: 2115 sq ft}
\begin{block}{Construction of Sheds for Vehicles: 4495 sq ft}
\begin{frame}{Project Scope Continued...}
\begin{block}{Construction of Mess and Recreation for females: 3930 sq ft}
\begin{block}{Construction of Guest Speaker accommodation: 3120 sq ft}
\begin{block}{Construction of Fire fighting and Garage: 1120 sq ft }
\begin{block}{Construction of Multi Storey Residence for BPS 1 to 10 : 7920 sq ft }
\begin{block}{Construction of Multi Storey Residence for BPS 11 to 14 : 5440 sq ft }
\begin{frame}{Project Scope Continued...}
\begin{block}{Construction of Multi Storey Residence for BPS 15 to 17: 3300 sq ft}
\begin{block}{Construction of one Residence for BPS 18 to 19: 3150 sq ft}
\begin{block}{Provision of G.I pipe 5 inch diameter water supply line: 1500 sq ft}
\begin{block}{Construction of Over Head Reservior 20000 Glns Capacity: 20,000 sq ft}
\begin{frame}{Administration Block}
\begin{frame}{Cost Comparison}
\begin{frame}{PDWP Submission }
\begin{block}{ Project is submitted for consideration of PDWP.}
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