siunitx 无法完美对齐表格中的范围

siunitx 无法完美对齐表格中的范围

我遇到的问题是,S类型列与间隔符号没有完全对齐。请参阅此 MWE:

\documentclass[final, 12pt, USenglish, a4paper]{scrbook}

\usepackage{siunitx}    %for properly using SI units
\sisetup{range-phrase={\hspace{0.08em}--\hspace{0.08em}}, range-units=single}

\usepackage{booktabs}   % formatting table lines: \toprule, \midrule, \bottomrule
%\usepackage{multirow}  % span table cells across multiple cells
\usepackage{caption}    % formatting captions
\captionsetup[table]{singlelinecheck=false, justification=justified}    % aligning table captions on the left
\usepackage[flushleft]{threeparttable}  % aligning tablecaptions and notes. wrap tabulars with it: \begin or \end{threeparttable}

        \caption{Some MWE:}
            One column              & {Strength\tnote{1} / \si{\kilo\joule\per\mole}}       \\ \midrule
            aaa                     & \numrange{40}{360}                                    \\
            bbb                     & \numrange{40}{200}                                    \\
            ccc                     & \numrange{4}{50}                                      \\
            ddd                     & \numrange{40}{120}                                    \\
            eee                     & \numrange{4}{80}                                      \\
            fff                     & \numrange{0}{50}                                      \\
            ggg                     & \numrange{0}{20}                                      \\ 
            xxx                     & \numrange{4}{40}                                      \\ \midrule 
            iii                     & \numrange{160}{480}                                   \\
            jjj                     & \numrange{80}{320}                                    \\ \bottomrule
            \item[1] Bla

除第 iii 行外,符号在各处均完美对齐,其中间隔突然明显160与 对齐80。有人知道如何修复此问题吗?我真的不知道从哪里开始。
