

我使用 exam 类来准备考试。我更喜欢没有缩进的问题,段落之间有空格,所以我使用 parskip。但是,我发现段落之间和问题之间的空间太窄了。


下面是包含我常用包的 MWE 以及用它生成的页面图像。





\Large Exam \verb|\documentclass|

Using \verb|\usepackage{parskip}|, with 12pt font. Exam instructions given here. Exam instructions given here. Exam instructions given here. Exam instructions given here.

Another paragraph. Exam instructions given here. Exam instructions given here. Exam instructions given here. Exam instructions given here.


\question[5] This is the first question of the exam. This is the first question of the exam. The equation is%
x^{2} + y^{2} = z^{2}.
This is the first question of the exam. This is the first question of the exam. This is the first question of the exam.

Another paragraph. This is the first question of the exam. This is the first question of the exam. This is the first question of the exam.


\part First part of the question. First part of the question. First part of the question. First part of the question. First part of the question. First part of the question. First part of the question. First part of the question. First part of the question.

\part Second part of the question. Second part of the question. Second part of the question. Second part of the question. Second part of the question. Second part of the question. Second part of the question. Second part of the question. Second part of the question. 


\question[5] This is the second question of the exam. This is the second question of the exam. This is the second question of the exam. This is the second question of the exam. The equation is%
x^{2} + y^{2} = z^{2}.
This is the second question of the exam. This is the second question of the exam. This is the second question of the exam. This is the second question of the exam.

Another paragraph. This is the second question of the exam. This is the second question of the exam. This is the second question of the exam. This is the second question of the exam.


\part First part of the question. First part of the question. First part of the question. First part of the question. First part of the question. First part of the question. First part of the question. First part of the question. First part of the question.

\part Second part of the question. Second part of the question. Second part of the question. Second part of the question. Second part of the question. Second part of the question. Second part of the question. Second part of the question. Second part of the question. 








