控制分页符 longtable

控制分页符 longtable

要求:一个包含 n 个列表的长表列表 A(列表 B)(长表用于获取一个设计对齐)。通用术语是列表 A,它作为通用术语出现在每个新页面上的标题中

长表行代表独立的 n 个小列表(列表 B)。其结构始终相同 1) 业务行 2) 列描述 3) n 行条目。这些小列表的长度各不相同。这样的列表永远不应被打破(通过分页符)。结果:这样的小列表(1)+2)+3)的开头始终出现在新页面的顶部。

列表 A 第 1 页


Header (2 rows)
1 - n rows


Header (2 rows)
1 - n rows

列表 A 第 2 页


Header (2 rows)                         every time at first after pagebreak
1 - n rows                      must follow the header NEVER pagebreak (except of last row of this list B)


Header (2 rows)
1 - n rows


我所得到的是“通用术语”sa 的正确放置和独特的外观。有没有人有解决方案,让受控分页符不分隔输出中显示的 B 列表?

    %\documentclass[a4paper,14pt]{scrartcl} % KOMA not recommended with usage of fancyhdr
    \fancyhf{} % clears all fields
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    \chead{\raisebox{3mm}{\colorbox{ctaggreen}{\parbox[b][1.00cm][c]{6.0cm}{\large\centering\textcolor{black}{\sffamily \bfseries{Phone list} \\ [-0.20cm] \footnotesize{voor Medewerkers}%
    }%end parbox
    }% end chead
    }% end of ???. without: error paragraph ended before ychead...
    \Large %quick and dirty
    \begin{longtable}[h]{ll@{}lr@{ - }l}% 
    \multicolumn{5}{c}{\textit{next page continues}} \\
    \hline\hline % two horiz. lines at the end of table
    %first tab row
    % Headline
    \multicolumn{5}{@{}l}{\textbf{Business Herbert}}  Operating times (00:00)07:00 - 16:30\\ \hline
    % Column desc
    Contact & {Phone} & & Break from&to \\* \hline
    % Rows
    B\"uro & 71073 & 707 62 & 12:30 & 13:00  \\* 
    Dimitri & 20573 & 070 37 10 &   & \\*  
    Dimitri & 2060 & 00 57 71 71 &   & \\*  
    Herbert & 2073 & 272 25 75 & 00:00 & 00:30  \\*  
    Alma & 20516 & 655 12 30 & 12:30 & 13:00  \\*  
    Johannes & 20520 & 700 37 00 & 15:00 & 15:10  \\*
    Georg & 2060 & 706 10 60 &    & \\* [1cm] 
    \multicolumn{5}{@{}l}{\textbf{Business Gottfried \& Shirin}}  Operating times (00:00)07:00 - 16:30\\ \hline% Column desc
    Contact & {Phone} & & Break from&to \\* \hline
    Shirin & 20523 & 370 70 00 & 00:00 & 00:20  \\* 
    Jessy & 2077 & 076 55 22 & 12:00  & 12:30 \\*  
    Leo & 2077 & 525 03 71 & 15:00  & 15:30\\* [1cm] 
    \multicolumn{5}{@{}l}{\textbf{Business Jorge}}  Operating times 07:30 - 16:30\\ \hline
    Contact & {Phone} &    & Break from&to \\* \hline
    Jorge     & 2072  & 263 30 26 & 12:00  & 13:00  \\* 
    Gabi  & 20525 & 733 76 75 & 12:00  & 13:00 \\*  
    Quintus & 2070  & 013 07 23 & 12:00  & 13:00 \\*  
    Sokrates   & 20522 & 730 50 30 & 12:00  & 13:00 \\* [1cm] 
    \multicolumn{3}{@{}l}{\textbf{Pascal} \Smiley}   Operating times& & \\ \hline
    Contact & {Phone} & & Break from&to \\* \hline
    Pascal & 2072 & 730 05 75 &  &   \\* 
    Pascal & 2072 & 730 05 75 &  &   \\*  [1cm] %
    \multicolumn{5}{@{}l}{\textbf{Business Herbert}}  Operating times (00:00)07:00 - 16:30\\ \hline
    Contact & {Phone} & & Break from&to \\* \hline
    B\"uro & 71073 & 707 62 & 12:30 & 13:00  \\* 
    Dimitri & 20573 & 070 37 10 &   & \\*  
    Dimitri & 2060 & 00 57 71 71 &   & \\*  
    Herbert & 2073 & 272 25 75 & 00:00 & 00:30  \\*  
    Herbert & 2073 & 272 25 75 & 00:00 & 00:30  \\*  
    Alma & 20516 & 655 12 30 & 12:30 & 13:00  \\*  
    Johannes & 20520 & 700 37 00 & 15:00 & 15:10  \\*
    Georg & 2060 & 706 10 60 &    & \\* [1cm] 
    \multicolumn{5}{@{}l}{\textbf{Business Gottfried \& Shirin}}  Operating times (00:00)07:00 - 16:30\\ \hline
    Contact & {Phone} & & Break from&to \\* \hline
    Shirin & 20523 & 370 70 00 & 00:00 & 00:20  \\* 
    Jessy & 2077 & 076 55 22 & 12:00  & 12:30 \\*  
    Leo & 2077 & 525 03 71 & 15:00  & 15:30\\* [1cm] 
    \multicolumn{5}{@{}l}{\textbf{Business Jorge}}  Operating times 07:30 - 16:30\\ \hline
    Contact & {Phone} &    & Break from&to \\* \hline
    Jorge     & 2072  & 263 30 26 & 12:00  & 13:00  \\* 
    Gabi  & 20525 & 733 76 75 & 12:00  & 13:00 \\*  
    Quintus & 2070  & 013 07 23 & 12:00  & 13:00 \\*  
    Sokrates   & 20522 & 730 50 30 & 12:00  & 13:00 \\* [1cm] 
    \multicolumn{5}{@{}l}{\textbf{Business Herbert}}  Operating times (00:00)07:00 - 16:30\\ \hline
    Contact & {Phone} & & Break from&to \\* \hline
    B\"uro & 71073 & 707 62 & 12:30 & 13:00  \\* 
    Dimitri & 20573 & 070 37 10 &   & \\*  
    Dimitri & 2060 & 00 57 71 71 &   & \\*  
    Herbert & 2073 & 272 25 75 & 00:00 & 00:30  \\*  
    Alma & 20516 & 655 12 30 & 12:30 & 13:00  \\*  
    Johannes & 20520 & 700 37 00 & 15:00 & 15:10  \\*
    Johannes & 20520 & 700 37 00 & 15:00 & 15:10  \\*
    Georg & 2060 & 706 10 60 &    & \\* [1cm] 
    \multicolumn{5}{@{}l}{\textbf{Business Gottfried \& Shirin}}  Operating times (00:00)07:00 - 16:30\\ \hline
    Contact & {Phone} & & Break from&to \\* \hline
    Shirin & 20523 & 370 70 00 & 00:00 & 00:20  \\* 
    Jessy & 2077 & 076 55 22 & 12:00  & 12:30 \\*  
    Leo & 2077 & 525 03 71 & 15:00  & 15:30\\* [1cm] 
    \multicolumn{5}{@{}l}{\textbf{Business Jorge}}  Operating times 07:30 - 16:30\\ \hline
    Contact & {Phone} &    & Break from&to \\* \hline
    Jorge     & 2072  & 263 30 26 & 12:00  & 13:00  \\* 
    Gabi  & 20525 & 733 76 75 & 12:00  & 13:00 \\*  
    Quintus & 2070  & 013 07 23 & 12:00  & 13:00 \\*  
    Sokrates   & 20522 & 730 50 30 & 12:00  & 13:00 \\* [1cm] 
    \multicolumn{3}{@{}l}{\textbf{Pascal} \Smiley}   Operating times& & \\ \hline
    Contact & {Phone} & & Break from&to \\* \hline
    Pascal & 2072 & 730 05 75 &  &   \\*  [1cm] 
    \multicolumn{3}{@{}l}{\textbf{Pascal} \Smiley}   Operating times& & \\ \hline
    Contact & {Phone} & & Break from&to \\* \hline
    Pascal & 2072 & 730 05 75 &  &   \\*  [1cm] 

输出: [第 1 页][1] 第 2 页

第 3 页


根据您的评论,我已在宏中进行了构建。另外还更正了、、\nobreakhline的设置\\\\*\\* \nobreakhline。现在它起作用了!非常感谢在这里分享知识的每个人。


    \fancyhf{} % clears all fields
    \fancyfoot[C]{\thepage\ of \pageref{LastPage}}
    \setlength\headheight{57pt} % to prevent warning of fancyhdr
    \cfoot{\colorbox{ctaggreen}{\parbox[b][0.20cm][c]{1.0cm}{\centering\textcolor{white}{\sffamily\bfseries \thepage\ of \pageref{LastPage}}}}}
    \chead{\raisebox{3mm}{\colorbox{ctaggreen}{\parbox[b][1.00cm][c]{6.0cm}{\large\centering\textcolor{black}{\sffamily \bfseries{Phone list} \\ [-0.20cm] \footnotesize{voor Medewerkers}%
    }%end parbox
    }% end chead
    }% end of ???. without: error paragraph ended before ychead...
        \gdef\LT@sep{\penalty\@M\vskip\doublerulesep}% <-- change here
        \gdef\LT@sep{\penalty\@M\vskip-\arrayrulewidth}% <-- change here
    \Large %quick and dirty
    \begin{longtable}[]{ll@{}lr@{ - }l}% 
    \multicolumn{5}{c}{\textit{next page continues}} \\
    \hline\hline % two horiz. lines at the end of table
    %first tab row
    % Headline
    \multicolumn{5}{@{}l}{\textbf{Business Herbert}}  Operating times (00:00)07:00 - 16:30\\* \nobreakhline
    % Column desc
    Contact & {Phone} & & Break from&to \\* \nobreakhline
    % Rows
    B\"uro & 71073 & 707 62 & 12:30 & 13:00  \\* 
    Dimitri & 20573 & 070 37 10 &   & \\*  
    Dimitri & 2060 & 00 57 71 71 &   & \\*  
    Herbert & 2073 & 272 25 75 & 00:00 & 00:30  \\*  
    Alma & 20516 & 655 12 30 & 12:30 & 13:00  \\*  
    Johannes & 20520 & 700 37 00 & 15:00 & 15:10  \\*
    Georg & 2060 & 706 10 60 &    & \\[1cm] 
    \multicolumn{5}{@{}l}{\textbf{Business Gottfried \& Shirin}}  Operating times (00:00)07:00 - 16:30\\* \nobreakhline% Column desc
    Contact & {Phone} & & Break from&to \\* \nobreakhline
    Shirin & 20523 & 370 70 00 & 00:00 & 00:20  \\* 
    Jessy & 2077 & 076 55 22 & 12:00  & 12:30 \\*  
    Leo & 2077 & 525 03 71 & 15:00  & 15:30\\[1cm] 
    \multicolumn{5}{@{}l}{\textbf{Business Jorge}}  Operating times 07:30 - 16:30\\* \nobreakhline
    Contact & {Phone} &    & Break from&to \\* \nobreakhline
    Jorge     & 2072  & 263 30 26 & 12:00  & 13:00  \\* 
    Gabi  & 20525 & 733 76 75 & 12:00  & 13:00 \\*  
    Quintus & 2070  & 013 07 23 & 12:00  & 13:00 \\*  
    Sokrates   & 20522 & 730 50 30 & 12:00  & 13:00 \\[1cm] 
    \multicolumn{3}{@{}l}{\textbf{Pascal} \Smiley}   Operating times& & \\* \nobreakhline
    Contact & {Phone} & & Break from&to \\* \nobreakhline
    Pascal & 2072 & 730 05 75 &  &   \\* 
    Pascal & 2072 & 730 05 75 &  &   \\  [1cm] %
    \multicolumn{5}{@{}l}{\textbf{Business Herbert}}  Operating times (00:00)07:00 - 16:30\\* \nobreakhline
    Contact & {Phone} & & Break from&to \\* \nobreakhline
    B\"uro & 71073 & 707 62 & 12:30 & 13:00  \\* 
    Dimitri & 20573 & 070 37 10 &   & \\*  
    Dimitri & 2060 & 00 57 71 71 &   & \\*  
    Herbert & 2073 & 272 25 75 & 00:00 & 00:30  \\*  
    Herbert & 2073 & 272 25 75 & 00:00 & 00:30  \\*  
    Alma & 20516 & 655 12 30 & 12:30 & 13:00  \\*  
    Johannes & 20520 & 700 37 00 & 15:00 & 15:10  \\*
    Georg & 2060 & 706 10 60 &    & \\[1cm] 
    \multicolumn{5}{@{}l}{\textbf{Business Gottfried \& Shirin}}  Operating times (00:00)07:00 - 16:30\\* \nobreakhline
    Contact & {Phone} & & Break from&to \\*\nobreakhline
    Shirin & 20523 & 370 70 00 & 00:00 & 00:20  \\* 
    Jessy & 2077 & 076 55 22 & 12:00  & 12:30 \\*  
    Leo & 2077 & 525 03 71 & 15:00  & 15:30\\[1cm] 
    \multicolumn{5}{@{}l}{\textbf{Business Jorge}}  Operating times 07:30 - 16:30\\* \nobreakhline
    Contact & {Phone} &    & Break from&to \\* \nobreakhline
    Jorge     & 2072  & 263 30 26 & 12:00  & 13:00  \\* 
    Gabi  & 20525 & 733 76 75 & 12:00  & 13:00 \\*  
    Quintus & 2070  & 013 07 23 & 12:00  & 13:00 \\*  
    Sokrates   & 20522 & 730 50 30 & 12:00  & 13:00 \\[1cm] 
    \multicolumn{5}{@{}l}{\textbf{Business Herbert}}  Operating times (00:00)07:00 - 16:30\\*  \nobreakhline
    Contact & {Phone} & & Break from&to \\* \nobreakhline
    B\"uro & 71073 & 707 62 & 12:30 & 13:00  \\* 
    Dimitri & 20573 & 070 37 10 &   & \\*  
    Dimitri & 2060 & 00 57 71 71 &   & \\*  
    Herbert & 2073 & 272 25 75 & 00:00 & 00:30  \\*  
    Alma & 20516 & 655 12 30 & 12:30 & 13:00  \\*  
    Johannes & 20520 & 700 37 00 & 15:00 & 15:10  \\*
    Johannes & 20520 & 700 37 00 & 15:00 & 15:10  \\*
    Georg & 2060 & 706 10 60 &    & \\[1cm] 
    \multicolumn{5}{@{}l}{\textbf{Business Gottfried \& Shirin}}  Operating times (00:00)07:00 - 16:30\\*  \nobreakhline
    Contact & {Phone} & & Break from&to \\* \nobreakhline
    Shirin & 20523 & 370 70 00 & 00:00 & 00:20  \\* 
    Jessy & 2077 & 076 55 22 & 12:00  & 12:30 \\*  
    Leo & 2077 & 525 03 71 & 15:00  & 15:30\\[1cm] 
    \multicolumn{5}{@{}l}{\textbf{Business Jorge}}  Operating times 07:30 - 16:30\\*  \nobreakhline
    Contact & {Phone} &    & Break from&to \\* \nobreakhline
    Jorge     & 2072  & 263 30 26 & 12:00  & 13:00  \\* 
    Gabi  & 20525 & 733 76 75 & 12:00  & 13:00 \\*  
    Quintus & 2070  & 013 07 23 & 12:00  & 13:00 \\*  
    Sokrates   & 20522 & 730 50 30 & 12:00  & 13:00 \\[1cm] 
    \multicolumn{3}{@{}l}{\textbf{Pascal} \Smiley}   Operating times& & \\*  \nobreakhline
    Contact & {Phone} & & Break from&to \\* \nobreakhline
    Pascal & 2072 & 730 05 75 &  &   \\[1cm] 
    \multicolumn{3}{@{}l}{\textbf{Pascal} \Smiley}   Operating times& & \\*  \nobreakhline
    Contact & {Phone} & & Break from&to \\* \nobreakhline
    Pascal & 2072 & 730 05 75 &  &   \\[1cm] 

使用 pdflatex 输出:

第 1 页 第 2 页 第 3 页
