基于以下解决方案Biblatex:两种不同风格和排序的书目 II和Biblatex:两种不同风格和排序的书目 II 第二部分给出
如果引用遵循自然数的整数序列,则从引用范围中删除第二个,例如,tech. 1-3
而不是tech. 1-tech.3
如果单个引文与范围引文相结合,或者引文范围不连续,也应删除,例如,tech. 1, 3-4
代替tech. 1, tech. 3-4
或tech. 1-2, 4-6
代替tech. 1-2, tech. 4-6
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title = {Some Title},
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author = {Author Bb\"{a}},
title = {Some Title},
publisher = {Some Publisher},
year = 2002,
author = {Author Jjj},
title = {Some Title},
publisher = {Some Publisher},
year = 2002,
author = {Author Kkk},
title = {Some Title},
publisher = {Some Publisher},
year = 2002,
author = {Author Lll},
title = {Some Title},
publisher = {Some Publisher},
year = 2002,
author = {Author Ccc},
title = {Some Title},
year = 2004,
url = {www.test1.com/bild.jpg},
author = {Author Ddd},
title = {Some Title},
year = 2001,
url = {www.test2.com/bild.jpg},
author = {Author Eee},
title = {Some Title},
year = 2004,
url = {www.test3.com/bild.jpg},
author = {Author Fff},
title = {Some Title},
year = 2001,
url = {www.test4.com/bild.jpg},
author = {Author Ggg},
title = {Some Title},
year = 2004,
url = {www.test5.com/bild.jpg},
author = {Author Hhh},
title = {Some Title},
year = 2001,
url = {www.test6.com/bild.jpg},
author = {Author Iii},
title = {Some Title},
year = 2001,
url = {www.test6.com/bild.jpg},
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The first two citations \cite{LinkD07,LinkC01} and \cite{BookB10,BookB11,BookB09}.
Mixing both primary and secondary \cite{LinkD08,LinkD04,LinkD05,BookB10,BookB11,BookB09}.
The others are \cite{LinkC01,LinkD08,LinkD05,LinkD06,LinkD07} as well as \cite{LinkC01,LinkD04,LinkD05,LinkD07,LinkD08, LinkD09}
and \cite{BookA03}.
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author = {Author Ät{\"a}},
title = {Some Title},
publisher = {Some Publisher},
year = 2003,
author = {Author Bb\"{a}},
title = {Some Title},
publisher = {Some Publisher},
year = 2002,
author = {Author Jjj},
title = {Some Title},
publisher = {Some Publisher},
year = 2002,
author = {Author Kkk},
title = {Some Title},
publisher = {Some Publisher},
year = 2002,
author = {Author Lll},
title = {Some Title},
publisher = {Some Publisher},
year = 2002,
author = {Author Ccc},
title = {Some Title},
year = 2004,
url = {www.test1.com/bild.jpg},
author = {Author Ddd},
title = {Some Title},
year = 2001,
url = {www.test2.com/bild.jpg},
author = {Author Eee},
title = {Some Title},
year = 2004,
url = {www.test3.com/bild.jpg},
author = {Author Fff},
title = {Some Title},
year = 2001,
url = {www.test4.com/bild.jpg},
author = {Author Ggg},
title = {Some Title},
year = 2004,
url = {www.test5.com/bild.jpg},
author = {Author Hhh},
title = {Some Title},
year = 2001,
url = {www.test6.com/bild.jpg},
author = {Author Iii},
title = {Some Title},
year = 2001,
url = {www.test6.com/bild.jpg},
The first two citations \autocite{LinkD07,LinkC01}
and \autocite{BookB10,BookB11,BookB09}.
Mixing both primary and secondary \autocite{LinkD08,LinkD04,LinkD05,BookB10,BookB11,BookB09}.
The others are \autocite{LinkC01,LinkD08,LinkD05,LinkD06,LinkD07}
as well as \autocite{LinkC01,LinkD04,LinkD05,LinkD07,LinkD08, LinkD09}
and \autocite{BookA03}.
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