\textbf{Variables} & \textbf{Definition} & \textbf{Formula} & \textbf{Source} \\
Credit Risk & A borrower is unable to repay the loan or interest on the loan is termed as credit risk. & Non-performing loan / Total Loan & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{} \\
GDP Growth & GDP (Gross Domestic Product) growth measures how fast an economy is growing by comparing GDP of two quarters. & (Current year growth rate - Previous year growth rate) / Current year growth rate & (Boudriga, Taktak, \& Jellouli, 2010; Djiogap \& Ngomsi, 2012) \\
Inflation Rate Growth & The rate at which prices of goods increases overtime decreasing the value of money. & (Current price index - Previous year price index / Previous year price index) *100 & (I. Khan et al., 2018) \\
Interest Rate & The percentage amount charged by the bank for lending money to the party. & Interest = (Principal + Annual Rate + Loan Period) / 100 & (Hui et al., 2017)\\
Capital Adequacy Ratio & It is a measure of bank's total available capital divided by risk weighted assets. & Total capital / Risk-weighted asset & (Boudriga et al., 2010; Kasana \& Naveed, 2016; Poudel, 2012) \\
Loan to Total Asset Ratio & The ratio checks the of banks' assets by taking outstanding loans as a percentage of its assets. & (Total Outstanding Debt / Total Assets) *100 & (Ahmadyan, 2018) \\
Loan to Deposit Ratio & This ratio checks the liquidity of a bank through comparison of its total loans and total deposits. & Total loan / Total deposits & (Kasana \& Naveed, 2016) \\
Return on Assets & It is to check the profitability of banks & Total Income / Total Assets & (Boudriga 2010; Kasana,Naveed,2016)\\
Bank Size & Natural logarithm of total assets of bank in time t. & Log of bank assets & (Garr, 2013; Kasana \& Naveed, 2016) \\
另外:我已经修正了你的 GDP 增长公式;还有很多其他变量定义和公式需要修正。例如,人们通常对通货膨胀率感兴趣,而不是通货膨胀率的增长率。
\usepackage[letterpaper,margin=1in]{geometry} % set suitable page parameters
\caption{Variable Definitions\strut}
\begin{tabular}{@{} P{5.25em}P{15.125em}P{12.315em}P{8.565em} @{}}
\textbf{Variables} & \textbf{Definition} & \textbf{Formula} & \textbf{Source} \\
Credit Risk & A borrower is unable to repay the loan or interest on the loan is termed as credit risk. & Non-performing loan\slash Total Loan & \\
GDP Growth & GDP (Gross Domestic Product) growth measures how fast an economy is growing by comparing GDP of two quarters. & (Current year GDP~$-$ Previous year GDP)\slash Current year GDP & Boudriga, Taktak, \& Jellouli, 2010; Djiogap \& Ngomsi, 2012 \\
Inflation Rate Growth & The rate at which prices of goods increases overtime decreasing the value of money. & (Current price index~$-$ Previous year price index\slash Previous year price index) *100 & I. Khan et al., 2018 \\
Interest Rate & The percentage amount charged by the bank for lending money to the party. & Interest = (Principal + Annual Rate + Loan Period)\slash 100 & Hui et al., 2017\\
Capital Adequacy Ratio & It is a measure of bank's total available capital divided by risk weighted assets. & Total capital\slash Risk-weighted asset & Boudriga et al., 2010; Kasana \& Naveed, 2016; Poudel, 2012 \\
Loan to Total Asset Ratio & The ratio checks the of banks' assets by taking outstanding loans as a percentage of its assets. & (Total Outstanding Debt\slash Total Assets) *100 & Ahmadyan, 2018 \\
Loan to Deposit Ratio & This ratio checks the liquidity of a bank through comparison of its total loans and total deposits. & Total loan\slash Total deposits & Kasana \& Naveed, 2016 \\
Return on Assets & It is to check the profitability of banks & Total Income\slash Total Assets & Boudriga 2010; Kasana \& Naveed, 2016\\
Bank Size & Natural logarithm of total assets of bank in time $t$. & Log of bank assets & Garr, 2013; Kasana \& Naveed, 2016 \\
如果您确实想添加与 兼容的垂直规则booktabs
(即使这不符合 的精神booktabs
\textbf{Variables} & \textbf{Definition} & \textbf{Formula} & \textbf{Source} \tabularnewline
Credit Risk & A borrower is unable to repay the loan or interest on the loan is termed as credit risk. &
Non-performing loan / Total Loan \tabularnewline
GDP Growth & GDP (Gross Domestic Product) growth measures how fast an economy is growing by comparing GDP of
two quarters. & (Current year growth rate - Previous year growth rate) / Current year growth rate & (Boudriga,
Taktak, \& Jellouli, 2010; Djiogap \& Ngomsi, 2012) \tabularnewline
Inflation Rate Growth & The rate at which prices of goods increases overtime decreasing the value of money. &
(Current price index - Previous year price index / Previous year price index) *100 & (I. Khan et al., 2018) \tabularnewline
Interest Rate & The percentage amount charged by the bank for lending money to the party. & Interest =
(Principal + Annual Rate + Loan Period) / 100 & (Hui et al., 2017)\tabularnewline
Capital Adequacy Ratio & It is a measure of bank's total available capital divided by risk weighted assets. &
Total capital / Risk-weighted asset & (Boudriga et al., 2010; Kasana \& Naveed, 2016; Poudel, 2012) \tabularnewline
Loan to Total Asset Ratio & The ratio checks the of banks' assets by taking outstanding loans as a percentage
of its assets. & (Total Outstanding Debt / Total Assets) *100 & (Ahmadyan, 2018) \tabularnewline
Loan to Deposit Ratio & This ratio checks the liquidity of a bank through comparison of its total loans and
total deposits. & Total loan / Total deposits & (Kasana \& Naveed, 2016) \tabularnewline
Return on Assets & It is to check the profitability of banks & Total Income / Total Assets & (Boudriga 2010;
Bank Size & Natural logarithm of total assets of bank in time t. & Log of bank assets & (Garr, 2013; Kasana \&
Naveed, 2016) \tabularnewline