

我正在使用 tabularx 包,根据之前的回答,这应该根据表格行太宽的问题进行排序。我的理解是,这将换行文本,这样就适合了。但实际上这超出了页面宽度。

\usepackage{tabularx}% for 'tabularx' env. and 'X' col. type
\usepackage{booktabs} % for \toprule, \midrule etc macros
\usepackage{ragged2e} % for \RaggedRight macro


\author{An example from Overleaf}




%% create a derivative column type called 'L':

% \newcolumntype{b}{X}
% \newcolumntype{s}{>{\hsize=.5\hsize}X}
    % \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{XX}
    \toprule  % replaced all \hline commands with rules from the booktabs package
    \upshape  Representation of the code & Code \\    
Representation 1    
& \verb|ID math . ID1 calculateSomethingAwesome ( LIT 100 , LIT 200, LIT 300 )| \\ 
Another representation name that can be very very long
& \verb|ID math . ID1 calculateSomethingAwesome ( LIT 100 , INTEGER 200, LIT 300 )| \\ 
Representation 3 
& \verb|ID math . ID1 calculateSomethingAwesome ( FLOAT 100 , NUMERIC 200, LIT ID 300 )| \\





\usepackage{booktabs, tabularx}



    \toprule  %
Representation of the code & Code   \\
Representation 1
    & ID math.ID1 calculateSomethingAwesome (LIT 100, LIT 200, LIT 300)\\
Another representation name that can be very very long
    & ID math.ID1 calculateSomethingAwesome (LIT 100, INTEGER 200, LIT 300) \\
Representation 3
    & ID math.ID1 calculateSomethingAwesome (FLOAT 100, NUMERIC 200, LIT ID 300)\\



\verb may be unreliable inside tabularx

这已经暗示了为什么虽然使用了 ,但表格仍然溢出到边距tabularx。为了解决这个问题,您可以将与您已在序言中加载的包中的选项\lstinline结合使用。当然,可以使用 中的适当选项调整用于代码的字体。breaklines=truelistings\lstset

以下 MWE 包含表格的两个不同版本,一个使用tabularx,另一个使用tabular带有p类型列的常规版本。两者的宽度与文本宽度相同。在示例中,我还注释掉了不必要的包,并添加了删除每个包的原因说明。


%\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} not needed since this is the default with an up-to-date installation
%\usepackage{array} not needed since internally loaded by tabularx
%\usepackage{array,booktabs} Do not load packages more than once.
%\usepackage{color} better to use xcolor instead
%\usepackage{tabularx} Do not load packages more than once.
%\usepackage{multirow} Do not load packages more than once.
%\usepackage{lscape}  Do not load packages more than once.
%\usepackage{array} Do not load packages more than once.
%\usepackage{wrapfig} Do not load packages more than once.
%\usepackage{booktabs} Do not load packages more than once.
%\usepackage{tabularx} Do not load packages more than once.
\usepackage{ragged2e} % for \RaggedRight macro


\title{ContextML Tables For the ICSE Submission}

\author{An example from Overleaf}




    \toprule  % replaced all \hline commands with rules from the booktabs package
    \upshape  Representation of the code & Code \\    
Representation 1    
& {\lstinline|ID math . ID1 calculateSomethingAwesome ( LIT 100 , LIT 200, LIT 300 )|} \\ 
Another representation name that can be very very long
& {\lstinline|ID math . ID1 calculateSomethingAwesome ( LIT 100 , INTEGER 200, LIT 300 )|} \\ 
Representation 3 
& {\lstinline|ID math . ID1 calculateSomethingAwesome ( FLOAT 100 , NUMERIC 200, LIT ID 300 )|} \\

    \toprule  % replaced all \hline commands with rules from the booktabs package
    \upshape  Representation of the code & Code \\    
Representation 1    
& {\lstinline|ID math . ID1 calculateSomethingAwesome ( LIT 100 , LIT 200, LIT 300 )|} \\ 
Another representation name that can be very very long
& {\lstinline|ID math . ID1 calculateSomethingAwesome ( LIT 100 , INTEGER 200, LIT 300 )|} \\ 
Representation 3 
& {\lstinline|ID math . ID1 calculateSomethingAwesome ( FLOAT 100 , NUMERIC 200, LIT ID 300 )|} \\

