\hangparas 在 Memoir 中不起作用

\hangparas 在 Memoir 中不起作用

我试图在我的回忆录文档中添加悬挂段落。但不起作用。下面的 MWE 不会导致错误,但段落没有缩进。例如,单词“that”直接位于 Definition 中的 D 下。我希望它稍微缩进一点。

MWE 开始

\documentclass[11pt, statementpaper]{memoir}
\title{Interesting words}
\author{Peter Flom}





%\newcommand{\entry}[2]{\medskip\noindent{\Large\textbf{#1} (#2)\par}}
\newcommand{\entry}[2]{\medskip\noindent{\Large\textbf{#1} \normalsize{#2} \par}}

\newcommand{\sclabel}[1]{\leavevmode{\normalfont\scshape #1}}
%% Less spacing around lists


\entry{antipelargy}{Presumably it rhymes with can tie del urge see} \index{antipelargy}
         Reciprocal love or kindness, especially that between parents and children. \cite{OED1971} The adjectival form is \emph{antipelargic}.
         From Greek \emph{antipelargia} (mutual love) via Latin and French \emph{antipelargie} (same meaning). The root is with stork (the bird) which was believed (by the Greeks) to be particularly affectionate (this may be the origin of the notion that storks deliver babies).
         How odd that we have no other word for this and that this word is so rare. It isn't even in most dictionaries.
         \item[Examples] \leavevmode
           Antipelargy is key to the survival of the species.
         There were no uses of \emph{antipelargy} in Google Ngram Viewer.
      \end{flexlabelled} \vspace{0.5in}


MWE 结束



% memoir.cls, line 4739:
           \ifsamename\else \labelwidth #2  \fi
           \ifsamename\else \labelsep #3 \fi
           \ifsamename\else \itemindent #4 \fi
           \ifsamename\else \leftmargin #5 \fi
           \ifsamename\else  \rightmargin #6 \fi
           \def\m@malabel{\@nameuse{#1}} \let\makelabel\m@malabel}}%


\parshape \@ne \@totalleftmargin \linewidth


TeX 在排版段落时,\parshape如果其值非零,则使用 ,否则\hangindent,如果其值非零,则使用 。

因此,list内部hangparas会覆盖 的值。如果您打算在 内部使用 ,那么\hangindent您也应该根据 定义您的环境。listflexlabelled
