

我有一堆类似下面这样的 markdown 表,它们正在使用pandocLaTeX PDF 模板转换为 PDF。

| Column1                                                                                                                           | Column2        | Column3 | Column4 | Column5             | Column6                                                                                                     | Column7          | Column8                                                                                | Column9                                         | Column10                                                                                                                |
| Lorem Ipsum verylongwordwithnospacehere simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting indust                                  | Lor            | Lor     | L       | Lor                 | Lorem Ipsum is simply dumm                                                                                  | Lorem Ipsum i    | Lorem Ipsum is simply 9834JKEMKWJ4334DWEE44 the printing and typesetting industry. Lo  | Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printin | Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard |
| Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing anotherverylongwordwithoutspace                                                  | Lor            | Lor     | L       | Lor                 | Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy                                                                                 | Lorem Ipsum i    | Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsu  | Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printin | Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard |
| Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy Q034DJSKJ32492139DK                                                                                   | Lor            | Lor     | L       | Lor                 | Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy t                                                                               | Lorem Ipsum i    | Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsu  | Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printin | Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard |






正如我所说,markdown 内容正在自动转换为 latex 代码,所以我认为我不能使用类似的东西\seqsplit{longword}。我不太确定是否可行,但我需要一些可以为整个文档启用断字功能或仅针对表格的东西……


在这个阶段,可能还不是最终答案,但评论太长了。我记得,并且有一个文件 allhyph.tex,其中包含当时 TeX 字体中所有 256 个字符后的连字点的连字模式。我在 CTAN 或网络搜索中找不到它,所以我甚至可能写过它。(相反的 zerohyph.tex 应该作为语言“nohyphenation”加载。)

但是我发现了另一个使用普通(默认)英语连字规则的技巧。模式始终允许在字母l(ell)后使用连字。因此,以永远无法使用\lowercase或为代价\MakeLowercase,将每个字符的小写代码设置为 l 的代码(108)。以下是针对 T1 字体编码的示例。处理大字体编码需要更长的字符代码点列表。

您需要的下一个要素是将字体(适用于所有字体)的连字符设置为小或零宽度空白字符。这就是 \textcompoundwordmark。

另外两件事是你必须告诉 LaTeX 即使在末尾也要使用连字符;并且你需要允许在段落的第一个单词中使用连字符(通常是被阻止的)。

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % require \textcompwordmark

\def\setAllBreak{\lccodepoint=33 \@whilenum{\lccodepoint<256}\do
    \lefthyphenmin\@ne \righthyphenmin\@ne

% That finishes the setup, except for \everypar below.

\setlength\textwidth{2pt}% ultra-narrow for testing


% This allows hyphenation of the first word in the paragraph
% but can't be in preamble


\noindent abracadabra \emph{wowzers}


当然,这不会在不允许换行的地方引入换行符!想想\mbox{ }。对于这个问题更重要的是,tabular 中的大多数列类型都类似\mbox,可以防止所有换行符。我建议将 tabular 环境切换到 tabularx 并使用所有 X 列类型,或从中派生的类型(至于居中),例如


要使某些列比其他 X 列按比例变窄或变宽,您可以看到在 tabularx 列中居中
